Joys and Sorrows

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Paul was drinking a cup of tea, looking out the kitchen window, wondering about one thing. He wondered about the freedom of telling the world; the same freedom he had felt when he told his father and brother. He looked up above, and nodded. Yes, and his mother as well.

He thought about John, whom he was still in awe with, and would be for the rest of his days. He knew what to say. The pure genius that escaped his lips was beyond him. He had visited him briefly last night before getting a call about Julian being sick. Paul didn't hesitate on demanding him to go and be by his son's side. He could never. He loved Julian as if he was his own child.

He returned to his living room to retrieve his coat, before heading out to John's residence. They would meet there today to write, and to help keep an eye on Julian.

When he arrived, he was welcomed warmly by Cynthia, who looked as if she had stayed up all night caring for her son.

"Good morning, Paul. Come in, come in."

"Morning Cyn," Paul walked in, taking off his coat, "How's Jules?"

"Oh my, my poor baby is sick. He had a fever last night, and we didn't sleep much. He's sleeping now, and the doctor will be by to see him in about an hour."

"I'm so sorry. I'm happy to help in any way I can."

"I know," she smiled and nodded his head once, "thank you very much. May I take your coat?"

"Oh, yes. Thanks." Paul removed his coat, and handed it over.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"Yes, a cup of tea."

Cyn smiled, "Oh, you men and your so-called breakfast. You are more than welcome to eat here."

"Well, alright. I'll take you up on your offer." Paul smiled. He was glad to see that his relationship with Cyn hadn't been ruined. He'd known Cyn for almost as long as John had. He'd feel awfully guilty.

"John's in the sitting room, if you'd like to join him."

"I would. Thank you!" Paul almost skipped to the room. I found John laying half-awake on the couch.

"Johnny?" Paul said softly to avoid startling him.

John looked up slowly, and noticed Paul's tall figure at the doorway. He smiled and sat up.

"Well, good morning there, handsome."

Paul blushed, and smiled. "Oh, so you're awake now?" He walked over the seat to the left of a John. John moved to the left end of his couch.

"Oh, somewhat."

"I'm glad you're willing to help out with Julian."

John raised his eyebrows, surprised, "Well, yeah. He's my kid too."

"Yeah, yeah." Paul sat back, and glance around the room. "So, where should we start?"

"What? Start what?"

"The writing. We've got another album to record," Paul sat up, "Have you forgotten already?"

"No, of course not," John rubbed his eyes, "just let me mind catch up here. I was up most of the night." He yawned as he finished his sentence.

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