He Should Know

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*Paul McCartney*

I felt my world close in on me once I knocked on the door. Yes, dad knew about John and I, but unlike John, I hadn't had the chance to speak to dad on the topic.

Now, I was finally getting this opportunity, after worrying for well over a month.

I heard footsteps approaching the door, and I held my breath. Here it was. It was time to finally tell my dad. The door began open. I felt John shift beside me.

The door revealed my brother, and I exhaled in temporary relief.

"Hey, Paul. Hey, John." Mike was smiling, as he opened the door widely to let us in.

"Dad will be here in a few," Mike said. He started to walk to the kitchen, "Would you lads like a drink?"

"Wait, Mike. Can I ask you something first?" I said. John looked at me, his eyes questioning what I was about to say.

"Sure. What is it?" Mike answered. He walked back towards John and I, raising his eyebrows.

"Does...Does Angela know about this situation?" I heard John sigh with concern. I bit my bottom lip, expecting the worse from Mike. But he was smiling.

"No. Dad won't give her the situation," Mike sat down on one of the couches, "But, don't be surprised if he sits her in on your conversation. He seems to do that a lot now." Mike leaned back and sighed. I couldn't say I understood what he was feeling, because I was honestly lost. What was she like around here?

"What's she like, Mikey?" John asked, taking the question right off my tongue.

"Hmm?" Mike sat up, raising around eyebrow

"Your step-mom. What's she like?" John glanced at me and back at Mike. Mike was deep in thought, and it worried me.

"Well?" I encouraged. He smiled, and shrugged his shoulders.

"She's alright. Hasn't done anything wrong yet, so that's good, I suppose." He leaned back on the couch again.

"Well, that's wonderf--"

We heard footsteps coming down the hall in our direction. I straightened up. It had to be dad.


Paul didn't say anything. He sat in place, and looked towards the footsteps. John noticed the sudden tension and looked up at Paul.

"Lads. How are you?" Jim asked, as he approached the couple and Mike.

"Good, sir. Thank you. And yourself?" John was trying to stay calm, for Paul's sake, who was freaking out.

"Good, John. Thank you for asking." Jim said it without making eye contact or smiling. He was looking at Paul. "So, you've come to talk?" He turned to Mike.

"Um, yes dad. W-we have. Something that's long o-overdue." Paul stuttered, and discreetly scooted closer to John so their legs touched as they sat beside each other.

"Overdue? Certainly. Surprising? Even more," Jim looked at Mike, "Do you know?"

Mike nodded, and smiled proudly, "Yes, dad."

"And?" Jim asked. Everyone was confused. What did he mean by and?

"Sorry?" Mike stared at him, an eyebrow raised in question.

"And? What did you think of your brother's little secret?" Jim asked. Paul felt himself sink in his spot. John furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Jim. What nerve he had to say such a thing.

"I'm extremely proud of my brother's little secret. In fact, I have never been so happy for him." Mike smiled and looked at Paul. Paul straightened up again, smiling weakly. John grinned proudly. At least one of them accepted them.

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