What They Say

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John woke up alone. It was strange; he hadn't slept alone in a long time.

Cynthia had gone to her parents' house for the weekend, and took Julian with her.

Their album would be release in the following week. Paul had already began talking about writing for the next album.

John walked through his quiet house. He was definitely startled when the telephone rang, but he calmly answered it.


"Johnny, have you seen the papers?"

"No?" John looked outside his window for the paper. "What's it say, Paul?"

"Um, well, it's similar to what they've been saying on that new magazine."

John closed his eyes and sighed. Why did everything have to be so difficult?

"What do we do?" Paul asked.

"We should talk to Brian," John hesitated, "Have him arrange a press conference or something." John disliked having the media confront them on controversial topics. This one would probably be the worst.

"Okay. Should I call him? Or will you?"

"I'll call him, Macca. You sit tight, maybe call the others."

"Got it."

"Oh, and Macca?"


"It'll be okay. Don't stress too much, alright?"

Paul was quiet for a second, "Okay."

When they'd said goodbye, John dialed Brian's number.

"Hello, this is Brian Epstein."

"Brian! It's John. We've got a, uh, situation."

"A situation? Well, what's wrong?"

"Remember when you said suspicions would be quick to arise in the media?"


"Well, they have. And we need to clear them up as soon as possible."

Brian sighed, "Of course. I knew it. Are you suggesting a live interview? Or a press conference?"

"Whichever is fine. Whichever you find is the best."

"Alright, press conference it is," Brian said.

"Thank you."

"Now, John?"


"Be careful, alright? Suspicions are mostly harmless, and clearing up rumors will give you some breathing room, but one mishap or show of affection in public and it'll all come down. So, please, be more careful about it all."

"Bri, you're sounding like Paul. Of course we've been careful, and we'll continue to do so. We know the consequences, so their isn't anything to stress about."

"Okay. I've got it. See you lads soon then."

"Thank you. Bye."


"A press conference it is, then?" George said. The four lads were gathered at John's house, eating crackers.

"Yes. Eppy says it'll be tomorrow," John said, sipping his water, "Hey, have you lads noticed how uncomfortable Brian gets when we bring up our topic?"

"Topic? Is that what you call it?" Ringo asked.

"Well, yes."

"I don't get what you mean, John. You really think he's uncomfortable?" George asked.

Nothing Is Gonna Change My World (McLennon, Starrison)Where stories live. Discover now