I Want To Know

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To be back home was to have relaxation. Relaxation nowadays meant staying home. Staying home meant the lads rarely had time to themselves, though they made things work out occassionally.

John was sitting at home, reading the newspaper. Julian had fallen asleep and Cynthia had came in to carry him to his room. After she had, she walked back and sat down next to John, who offered a smile of acknowledgement, and went back to read his paper.

"John, if I asked you a question, would you give me an honest answer?" Cynthia asked, realizing now could be their only time to talk.

John slowly looked up from his paper, expecting a question about Paul, "Um, pardon?"

"Would you answer honestly, John?" She asked again, and looked at him with waiting eyes.

"Oh, sure," John said, and sat his paper down.

"So, I know you've been away quite a lot, but I've noticed you've been...more distant. I mean, you probably think I'm being very needy and all, but I just want to know," she hesitated, but proceeded, "Do you still love me?"

Do you still love me? What do I answer? It hadn't been a direct question about Paul, but is that what she was hinting? Or was John only imagining things?

"W-why would you ask such a question, Cyn?"

Cynthia shrugged her shoulders, and looked down, "I just feel like, maybe you don't want to be here with me anymore."

John sat in silenced. He didn't want to hurt her, but he didn't want to lie to her...though he had before. This time, however, it felt wrong. He felt terrible, and John wasn't sure what to say.

"John, are you with another girl?" She asked suddenly. John felt relief wash over him. No, he wasn't with another girl.

"No, Cyn. I'm not with another girl."

She sighed, probably in relief, and nodded, "Okay. Oh my goodness, I'm sorry. I...hmm...I'll leave you alone," She stood up and walked out of the room.

John shook his head. How was he to tell her, ever?

The phone rang suddenly, and John jumped in surprise. He wasn't expecting a call...


"John? Hey! It's Paul."

"Hey, Macca."

"Hey. So...Brian called. Said we have the movie premiere 2 days from today, and that we should plan to attend. Not that we wouldn't, since it was our movie."

John rolled his eyes, and smiled, "Don't you think Brian will call me as well?"

"Uh, yeah I suppose...I just wanted an excuse to talk to you, if you're not busy."

"No, never for you, love."

"Okay. I feel like it's been an eternity since I last saw you. It's honestly killing me."

John shook his head and laughed, "Only been a week, lad."

"An eternity, John."

"Alright, alright. An eternity."

"Do you think I could see you tomorrow?"

John smiled. He wanted to see Paul, but getting out of the house was becoming more difficult with Cynthia's concerns. Nonetheless, John was willing to do it for him.

"Yes, darling. I'll see you tomorrow. You stay at home. I'll come by."

"Okay! See you then, Johnny. I love you!"

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