Chapter 9

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Ethan POV
"I walked to Maria's apartment and knocked on the door waiting for her to answer. I was suppose to be taking her out today on in a date. I knocked multiple times on the door but she never answered. I started to worry where could she be? I thought

I left her apartment maybe she was at Walmart I mean that's the closest store by her place and I think she may be there.

I walked to Walmart as I searched through the isles basically, the whole store and I couldn't find a simple 5'2, black haired, blueyed girl.

I felt my heart beating really fast what if something really bad is happening to my baby? I wondered

I quickly left Walmart I will find Maria whether it takes the rest of my life just to find her.

I suddenly heard loud screaming as I walked closer to where I had heard it from and it sounded like Maria.

I saw some alley as I ran over to it and walked in and it was dark until I reached closer and their was light.

I walked in to see Heather holding out a gun on Maria. My heart broke to see Maria like this she was bleeding and bruised.

"Michael! Heather shouted

The guy with a black sweater walks over to me and attacked me as I fought him back.


I saw a steel chair as I quickly grabbed it before Michael got up and hit him with it.

I then jumped over to Heather causing her to pull the trigger and boom that was it.

I looked over as the tears rolled down my cheeks. Maria got shot it's all my fault. Her hands were covered in blood as I quickly untied her.

"Maria baby, can you her me your gonna be okay I promise" I tell her

"I'm sorry" she whispered as she shut her eyes

No she can't die I thought.

I called 911 immediately and picked her up bridal style as the ambulance came with a stretcher and laid her on it.

I followed them to the hospital I should've been the one who took the bullet not Maria.

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