Chapter 18

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New Book it's called Mr.Vine Boy It's an Ethan one ❤❤❤❤

Maria POV

" I grabbed my suitcase as I started packing.

"What are you doing! Grayson shouted

"I'm going to see him Grayson whether you like it or not! I snapped

"What about Heather? He asked

"Don't mention her name" I asked annoyed

I packed everything as Grayson drove me to the airport.

"Please, be careful" Grayson says

I nodded as I grabbed my suitcase and the flight to Los Angeles was now. Perfect timing as I entered the plane.

I took my seat and looked out the window as the plane began to move. I kept thinking about Ethan I'm mad at him but at the same time I'm sad and love him.

I don't know what to think anymore but he can't let Heather control him because of me that's the problem.

*Skipping to landing*

We had landed in Los Angeles, California as I admired the palm trees and the nice weather.

I exited the plane and airport and that's when I pulled out my phone and called Ethan as it rang a few times until he picked up.

"Hello, Maria? he says

Oh, how I missed his voice so much.

"Hey, I'm in Cali, please, tell me where you are" I asked

"It's Sheraton hotel" he says

"Okay, I'm coming" I say

"Ok" he says

With that I hung up and grabbed a cab that took me to Sheraton Hotel. Once we reached a big building that said Sheraton hotel I paid the guy and walked out.

I entered the building as I went to the front desk and their was a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hello, I'm Jon, how may I help you? He asks

"Do you know by any chance what room Ethan Dolan is in? I asked

"Room 666" he says

"Okay thankyou" I smile

He nods, as I talk the elevator to the 6th floor. Once I reached the 6th floor I searched for the room number and found it.

I clenched my fist to knock on the door but for I fid I took a deep breath and did.

The door swung open and their I was face to face with my love.

"Maria! Ethan says hugging me as I hugged him back

"I'm glad you came but are you crazy Heather will try to hurt you again! Ethan explains

"Don't Worry about that" I said with a smile on my face

"What did you do? Ethan asked sounding confused

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