Chapter 22

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Maria POV
"What is it? I asked

Ethan was smiling so I'm guessing it was good news or something. Ethan went down on one knee and held out a gorgeous ring. I covered my mouth I couldn't believe it he was proposing to me.

"Maria, we have been through a lot together and I realized nobody can ever replace you and your the one for me and I love you so much will you marry me? Ethan asked nervous

A tear slipped down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away. I nodded as Ethan placed the ring on my finger and got up and we kissed.

"Whoo! Get it Dolan! Carter shouted

I was the luckiest girl in the world I wasn't expecting this to be honest.

"Congrats Mathan! Nash shouted

I looked at Grayson who was sad but somewhat happy.

The rest of the party Jack and Jack sung flights and after we left the party as Ethan drove to my apartment.

Once we got their Ethan walked me to my door and kissed my neck.

"Don't rush babygirl, find the perfect white dress" he tells me

"Hey, can you give me Cameron's number? I asked

"Sure" he replies

He gives me her number as we kiss goodbye. Glad Ethan didn't ask why I needed her number.

I needed help to find a white dress so that's why I need Cameron. I unlocked my door and walked in as I couldn't help but smile.

Grayson POV
"I can't believe Ethan had proposed to Maria today I wasn't expecting it and when it happened I was devasted. But I didn't want to show it because Maria looked to so happy and Ethan is happy but I can't see Ethan marrying Maria how can I let it happen? I must prevent it because I love that girl more than anything in this world.

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