Chapter 28

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Maria POV
" I got ready and slipped on my black bathing suit. Ethan really wanted to go swimming but I wasn't hyped for it because I wasn't feeling good so I guess I would just sit on the chairs and relax.

"You ready? Ethan asked

I slightly nod, as he looks at me with concern.

"Maria, we don't have to go if you don't want too?" Ethan asked

I shook my head no "No, Ethan I'm find come on this is our honeymoon we should have some fun" I explain

He smiles as he grabs my hand and kisses it as walk out of the hotel room to the pool.

I didn't want to lie to him but I had too because I didn't want him to worry and stay just because of me when he wants to enjoy his honeymoon.

Ethan jumped in the pool as he convinced me to jump in so I did. The water felt good Ethan being the goof he is splashed water in my face boy did it feel really good.

I splashed water back at him as the lifeguard blower their whistled and warned us wow lame I know.

I suddenly felt dizzy as I got out of the pool and ran back to the hotel room as Ethan shouted my name but I ignored him.

I opened the door and went to the bathroom and puked. My stomach was hurting me really bad what was happening to me?

I suddenly felt someone pull my hair back and I turned to see Ethan as he rubbed my back. I flushed the toilet as I brushed my teeth.

"Are you okay Babygirl? He asked

"No, Ethan I'm perfectly find nothing is bothering me" I replied

"Saracastic queen" he says

I sighed "I'd don't know my stomach hurts really bad Ethan I think...." I said

"Think what? He asked

"I think I might be pregnant" I replied

He had the biggest smile on his face I was confused this probably just ruined our whole honeymoon. I thought

"Your not mad?" I asked

"No, why would it be mad were gonna have little Dolan's running around I'm happy cheer up Maria, we are gonna be parents" Ethan tells me

I then thought for a second and smiled "but I need a pregnancy test I mean it's not 100? I explain

Ethan nods, as he goes out and gets me a pregnancy test. I had hope and I had doubt at the same time if that's even possible.

Do you guys think their gonna have a baby Dolan or not yet? Vote and comment, follow me and @iluvromanreigns.

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