Chapter 8

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Maria POV
" I was walking to Walmart since it was very close where I live until I felt strong arms pull me back and covered my mouth. I panicked and screamed as the guy threatened me not to or else he'd kill me.

The Next Thing I Find My Self Is In Some Alley. My arms and legs were tied to the chair. Why is this happening? I thought

Just then I snapped out of my thoughts when I see Heather.

"Delicate Maria, poor Maria look at you" she teased

I felt my blood boil I honestly just wanna rip that silicone barbie dolls head off.

"What the hell do you want this time Heather? I snapped

"It's okay to love both Maria" she spoke

"I once did too" she says

I rolled my eyes "But I mean look how far you've come in your life? Grayson, he scratched and clawed just to save your life from dying but in the end you saw who he really was" she explains

"Oh, and cute Ethan, the world's favorite viner, youtuber, etc! She teased

"Well I hope you actually said goodbye to Ethan the last time he walked out the door because that's the last time you'll ever see your prince charming" she explains

I was confused as she then pulled out a gun and my eyes widened. She aimed it to my head as I shut my eyes.

"Please, Ethan forgive me" I whispered

I'm better off dying I'm ready for this maybe I'll see how my parents are doing in heaven.

Ethan POV
"I was at home and just finished uploading a vine with Jack Dail and Aaron Carpenter. Man, I love my friends.

Soon then Grayson walks in "we need to talk" he whispers

I nodded as we walked to our room and closed the door.

"Did Maria by any chances notice the roses I got? He asked

"Wait, that was you? I asked confused

He nodded "she assumed they were from me and not you Grayson because me and her are dating" I explained

He sighed "are you kidding me! He shouted

"Look, if it wasn't for you cheating on her you rpbably would have still been with her" I complained

"Yeah, too late for that I needed her to know I'm sorry" he replied

"Well you obviously can't just show up to her door with flowers but then decide to leave them by her door and run off and think she'll know it's from you plus, you should have written your name on it you dumbass" I argued

He sighed as he just stormed out of the room I was right he was wrong the older twin is right in this case.

Speaking of Maria I haven't called her yet and probably should. I dialed her number and it rang a few times.

It then gave the please leave your message speech as I shut my phone off.

Why wasn't she answering? I'd figured I'd go to her place maybe she didn't hear it ring.

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