Chapter 46 (Final)

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2 Years Later....

Third Person POV
"It's been 2 years in the Dolan family Ethan and Maria are living happy with their two children Christopher and Sofia Dolan. They are currently two years old. They are fraternal twins just like a Ethan and Grayson. Anyways, Maria got herself ready for work she works at Sephora. She slipped on her shoes as she kissed both Chris and Sofia goodbye.

She then turned her attention to her handsome husband Ethan. She hugged him and kissed him goodbye as she left the house.

She got inside rhe car and started the engine as she drove to her work which was a twenty minute drive.

She was driving safely as she stopped the car at the red light. Once it turned green she continued to drive and in the middle of the road their was a speeding car coming towards her as her eyes widened as she tried to turn but it was too late.

She lost control of the wheel and her car collided with the other as a bunch of people surrounded the accident.

Their was smoke, fire, and blood. Maria was covered in blood as the car was shattered, dented, and torn.

An ambulance rushed and tried to give her CPR/oxygen but she was responding her life was gone she was pronounced dead.

Maria died, her phone was ringing and it was Ethan. He has no idea what had happened to his wife and he'll be devastated.


It was all over the news and a couple people had watched it even their next door neighbor Kim. Ethan wasn't watching the news unfortunately, he had a day off of work and was playing with the twins.

Someone knocks on the door and it was Kim. Ethan smiles while she has a very upsetting look on her face.

"Kim, what's the matter? Ethan asked her

"Ethan....Maria....died..." she says in between sobs

Ethan collapses on the floor and breaks down in tears. He lost someone very important and we all know how that must feel.

Kim wished she could do something but she couldn't.

Sofia and Chris coming running to Ethan.

"Ddada, cwing" Sofia asked

They were so young for something like this for them to happen. Their mommy died but it wasn't anyone's fault except for the driver who could have been sick twisted, crazy, or even drunk.

Accidents happen but they lead to tragic deaths in America every 54 minutes someone gets killed by a drunk driver.

They were too young to understand and it will come to the conclusion to both of them asking about mommy?

But Ethan knew he had to be strong and raise his kids regardless. He isn't alone he has his while family.

That put heart of his was filled with darkness and sadness and it was all because of one girl he loved and cared for.

The End!!!!


This book is over and it ended in a sad way but not all stories always end with a happy ending? There's Always sad, shocking, crazy, complicated, Shattering etc.

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