Chapter 10

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(Before I begin please, please, check out my new book called Stitches it's a Shawn Mendes/Magcon one ❤)

Ethan POV
"I quickly rushed to the hospital as I ran in and the nurses were rushing Maria to the emergency room as I was following them but got stopped.

"Sir, you can't go in there" the nurse warned


"Sir, calm down please" she says

I drop down to my knees balling my eyes out. I swear if anything happened to her I will never forgive myself. Maria had gone through a lot and yet she doesn't deserve this.

I blame myself but this Heather's fault. What was I thinking when I went out with her? Maria was Obviously, better then her that fake barbie doll.

I kept waiting and waiting for the doctor to come out and tell me that she was okay.

About fourth five minutes later the doctor comes out as I quickly wipe my tears away and stand up.

"How is she? I asked him

"Maria, is okay we where able to remove the bullet" the doctor explains

"Can I see her? I asked

The doctor nodded "she's still in the emergency room so I suggest you dress up in a hospital uniform" the doctors says

I nodded as a nurse handed me a blue hospital shirt and pants. I went to the bathroom to change. I walked in the emergency room as is saw Maria sound asleep.

I hated seeing her like this hooked up with an bunch of machines is just tears right through me.

I sat on the chair that was right next to the bed as I held out her hand and kissed it. Her eyes then fluttered open revealing her gorgeous Blue eyes. She turned over and saw me.

"Ethan? She says

"I'm right her baby" I whispered

She lightly smiles "I love you" she whispers

"I love you too" I whispered

She then laughs as I was confused at what she was laughing about.

"You look so cute, but your my doctor you know how to make me feel better" she explains

I chuckled I mean I guess I do look good don't I?

"Sir, Maria needs to rest she'll be in her room shortly" a nurse explains to me

I nodded as I kisses Maria's cheek and left the emergency room. I changed back into my regular clothes and head back to the waiting room.

I pull out my phone as I got a call from Grayson I decided to call him back.

Grayson POV
"I called Ethan but he didn't answer where could he be? I wondered my phone had vibrated and finally, it was him calling.

"Hello? I say

"Hey why did you call me? He asked

"Cause Jack and Aaron were wondering if you were coming to the digitour" I explain

"You guys go I can't" he answers

"Why can't you go? I asked

"Because I'm in the hospital" he answers

"What! Ethan are you okay? What happened? I shouted

"I'm find Grayson, it's Maria" he explains

"W-What...happened to Maria..? I asked

"She got shot Gray, Heather shot her it's all my fault I should have been the one to take the bullet not her" Ethan says almost on the verge of crying

I quickly dropped my phone and cried my eyes out.

That slur Heather why Maria? All she's ever tried to do was minpulate Maria what the hell is wrong with her?

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