Chapter 25

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Maria POV
"Grayson? I said in shock

He ignored me as he began to drive. "Grayson what are you doing stop the car please! I begged him

He ignored me once again as he drove even faster. He pressed his for harder on the gas.

"Grayson are you crazy were gonna die stop the car! I cried

"There's no way I'm letting you marry him and I have to be alright with that there's no way! Grayson shouts

I cried even harder as he was speeding and wouldn't stop the car.

"Grayson" I sobbed

"I love you Maria! If you don't love me then die with me! Grayson says

I was scared to death why was he doing this?

"Does he ever get scared that something bad will ever happen to you does he care a lot like I do about you huh?! Grayson shouts

"Grayson stop the godang car I'm begging you please! I shouted

Suddenly the car drifted as I freaked out.

"Grayson! I shouted as we were about to crash.

I shut my eyes we were going to die and I was scared for my life. Suddenly the car stopped as I quickly opened my eyes in relieve we didn't die.

Grayson stopped the car as he slammed his hand in the wheel with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"There's no way I can't hurt you I just lost it there's no one else in this world that I love than you" he sobs

A tear rolled down my cheek by what he said.

He quickly whipped his tears "you know I loved Ethan first Grayson" I explain

Suddenly my phone rings and it was Ethan.

"This stays between me and you" I tell him

Grayson nods, as asi answer the phone.

"Hello, Ethan" I say

"Hey were are you and have you seen my car? Ethan asked

"I'm with Grayson and he took your car he decided to pick me up because he thought you'd be late" I lied

"Oh okay are you sure about that? He asked

"Yes" I replied

"Were on our way" I explained

"Okay" he says and then hangs up

Grayson drove to the place our wedding was being held.

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