Chapter 30

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Maria POV
"I woke up to see Ethan still sleeping as I took a shower and got ready. I got dressed in Jean shorts and a "I'm an Ethan Dolan Girl" T-Shirt. I brushed my hair and threw it up in a high ponytail as I put on a little bit of makeup. I then went to the balcony and looked at the view it was nice and sunny.

I then felt strong arms wrap around my waist as I smiled knowing it was Ethan.

"Good morning Babygirl" he whispers as he kisses my cheek

"Good morning love" I replied turning around as I hugged him

"Okay, I'm gonna go get ready now" he says

I nod, as I sit on the couch and read a magazine in the meantime. After Ethan was ready we left the hotel room and went downstairs and ate breakfast.

"So what do you wanna do today? Ethan asked taking a sip of his coffee

"Hhmm, maybe rock climbing? I say

"Sounds like a plan" he says

I nod, as I finish eating my pancake. After we finished breakfast we decided to shop and buy a couple of souvenirs. They had many cool things I wish I could buy the whole store.

We put our bags back in the hotel room and left.

"Time for rock climbing! I shouted

"You sure you wanna do this? Ethan asked as he took my hand

"Yup" I answered

"Your pretty confident, I love it" he says

I blushed as we reached the rock climbing place. I was a little nervous but I wanna give it a try. The guy welcomed us and we wore a climbing harness in order to start climbing.

I was on one side as Ethan was on the other. Ethan looked at me as he could tell I was a bit nervous.

"You ready? He asked

I nodded the guy gave us a count down as we then began climbing I guess it wasn't that bad.

We climbed halfway until I saw how high it still was compared to were I was right now and I was scared of heights for some reason.

"Maria, what's wrong why did you stop? Ethan asked concerned

"Ethan I'm scared I can't do it! I shouted holding onto the rope and letting a scream

"C'mon, you can do this trust me" Ethan says

He held out his hand "take my hand come on I'm right her I won't let you go I promise" he says

I take his hand as we both climb at the same pace. We were then almost their as we finally reached the top together.

"See you did it" he tells me

"I guess it wasn't that bad I don't know why I was scared" I explain

He chuckles as they dropped us down and I held onto the rope like my life depended on it.

"Ahh" I screamed as my feet finally hit the floor.

Me and Ethan take off the harnesses and hand them back to the guy and thank him as Ethan paid the guy.

We walked out of there and just walked around.

"I thought you were confident? Ms.ToughTalk" he teased

I laughed at him "hey you only live once I just wanted to try it and I thought I was confident" I say

"No worries, I already know my wife is confident" he says wrapping his arm around my neck as I intertwined my fingers with his hand.

"Hahaha, well your sweet" I replied

He smiled as we decided to go and do something else.

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