Chapter 23

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Maria POV
" Today was Monday so I decided to call Cameron so she could help me find a dress. I'm sure Ethan told his family by now she considers me as a sister to her and I consider her like a sister aswell.

She was coming to pick me up as I got ready. I took the elevator down to the lobby and waited for her to come. I'm glad she's helping she's all I got to be honest.

I saw her arrive as I hopped in "hey gurl" she says

"Hey cam" I smile as she drives

We went to David's bridal "I can't wait tell the wedding omg, you and my brother are like so cute I'm happy" Cameron says as we enter

I saw a bunch of white wedding dresses it's gonna be hard to choose from. I saw this really pretty one that was strapless and was fluffy at the bottom with roses.

"What do you think of this? I asked

"Try it on! Cam says

I nodded as I go to the dressing room and of course with her help it fit perfectly as I looked into the mirror and admired it.

"You look gorgeous Maria" Cameron says

"Thankyou" I smile

I changed our of it as I paid for it and we left.

August 22nd Bachlorate party

Maria POV
"Me and Ethan were getting married in a couple days I couldn't wait he proposed to me a couple months ago and now it's my batchloratte party.

Lisa was exited more than she should be I mean I don't blame her. Her son is getting married.

"I wish you and Ethan a bunch of happiness" Kayla says

"Thank you so much" I smile

I then saw Ethan come as he gives me a you on point look.

"Hey baby" he says he then does the duck face as I playfully facepalmed him.

"Hey you love me don't do that! He shouts

I laughed as I kissed him I saw Grayson he hasn't been talking to me I think he's mad but why? He should be happy for us I don't understand maybe he's just having a bad day.

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