Chapter 29

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Maria POV
"Ethan came back with the pregnancy test as he handed it to me. I took it and went to the bathroom as he waited outside the door. I read the directions etc. I waited a moment for it to give me the results. I was scared and my heart was beating faster than a cheetah.

I heard it beep as I took it out to see - negative. A tear slipped down my cheek I wasn't pregnant how am I gonna tell him that I'm not pregnant? I cried

"Maria, how are you doing did you get the results? Ethan asked

I opened the door as he looked at me I couldn't say a word because I was upset just like he would I actually thought I was pregnant but I guess not.

"Maria, what's wrong? He asked

I didn't say anything as he took the pregnancy test from me and looked at with shock.

"I'm not pregnant Ethan I'm sorry we won't have little Dolan's running around" I tell him

"It's not your fault I was just hoping we'd have one now but when the time is right we will" he cried

I hugged him as he kissed my forhead. Than if I wasn't pregnant I'm guessing it was just a sickness.

I took a seat on the chair as Ethan sat next to me.

"Come on, Maria cheer up the day will come it's just not yet" Ethan says

How could I ignore that face he sure can give good advice when I'm down.

"Do you want a boy or a girl? I asked

"I want a boy but I don't mind having a little girl" he says

"What would we name them? He asked

"Well, if it's a girl I'm gonna name her Sofia Grant Dolan" I say

"That's perfect giving her my middle name" he says

"Of its a boy I was thinking maybe John or Chris" I say

"I really like Tyler" Ethan says

"Well if it's a hope we'll think about and I'm pretty sure when I do get pregnant that it'll be a girl" I explain

He playfully rolled his eyes as he lifted me up and the me to the couch and started tickling me.

"Ethan...please....stop" I laughed

He suddenly stopped as he gave me the duck face.

I chuckled as he kissed my cheek.

"I love you, Maria" he whispers in my ear

"I love you too, Ethan" I replied

He turned on the tv as we watched Friends. He wrapped his arm around my neck as we cuddled and watched.

Ethan POV
"I was sad that we weren't having a baby Dolan but I know when the time is right we will I didn't want Maria to feel pressured about the situation. We watched friends as she fell asleep on my chest. I smiled as I picked her up gently and slowly as I laid her down on the bed and covered her. I kissed her forhead as I talked to my mom, Cameron, Dad, and Grayson since I missed them a lot.

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