Chapter 26

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Maria POV
" We finally arrived as I looked at Grayson. I got out of the car as I seen Ethan looking handsome in his tuxedo.

"Omg! You look so beautiful" Ethan says getting a little teary eyed

"You look good too Ethan" I smile

"Let's do this" he says taking my hand as we walk in and see everyone clapping

I had the biggest smile on my face I never thought this day would happen and I'm walking down the aisle with the guy who has changed my life and helped me not only that but he wasn't one of those bullies he understood what I was going through and he accepted me for who I was and it all started in geometry class.

We then faced each other as the minster welcomed us.

We started off reading our vows to each other and Ethan went first.

"I don't know where to start but I'm glad I met someone different like you, you have gone through a lot and I'm the luckiest guy ever your an amazing person inside and out and I Remember the time when we were in geometry class and I asked you for help because you were so confident in math and smarter than I'll ever be in that class if it wasn't for that class I don't think we would have met but anyways I love you with all my heart and I can't wait to start a new life with you and have little Dolan's running around" Ethan says

His words were so emotional that brought me to tears but now it was my turn to read my vows to him.

"You but the biggest smile on my face I'm the most luckiest girl in this world I never thought this day would come but it has come my love You changed my life and helped me with my problems when their was nobody else and I can't thank you enough for accepting me for who I am and not like all the other types if girls back in school thank you for everything and I can't wait to start this new journey with you I love you with everything in me" I spoke

We heard everyone say "Awe" in unsion

"Ethan, do you take Maria to be your lawfully wedded wife? The minister asked him

"I do" Ethan smiles as he takes the ring and places it on my finger.

"Maria,do you take Ethan to be your lawfully wedded husband? They ask

"I do" I say as I take the ting and place it on Ethan finger

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" the minster says

Ethan leans in and kisses my forehead as he grabs my hand and we walk down the aisle and we seen Lisa crying she like a second mother to me as I hugged her.

"Take good care of her Ethan she's yours now" she tells him

"Don't worry Madre I sure will" Ethan tells her

I'm now Maria Dolan married to Ethan Dolan.

HAPPY DOLANTWINTUESDAY!!! Well where should they go on their honeymoon?? Vote and comment, follow me and @iluvromanreigns.

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