Chapter 40

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Maria POV
" I wasn't feeling good I was having trouble sleeping I looked over to see Ethan sleeping. I looked at the time to see 5:15 AM. I felt nauseous as I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom and puked. I felt a sharp pain run through my stomach.

I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. My stomach was hurting really bad maybe this time I could possibly be pregnant? I thought

Suddenly, I saw Ethan walk in with a concerned look.

"Maria, are you okay why are you up? He asked

"Ethan, I think I might be pregnant? I said

"What! Omg! Check! He says

I nod, as I pull out the pregnancy tester and double checked on the directions. I'm really hoping that this time I was actually pregnant. I could tell by the look on Ethan's face he was nervous but couldn't wait any longer.

A minute later it beeped as I looked to see the results. It showed a + which means I'm pregnant as I was happy.

"I'm pregnant! I shouted

"Omg! Ethan shouted as he kissed me

"We are having a baby Dolan" he says

I nod, as he touches my stomach "hey little one whether tour a boy or girl your daddy loves you already" he says

I chuckled "I can't wait to start a Dolan family" Ethan says

"Me too" I say

We went back to bed "I'm so happy right now that I can't go back to sleep" Ethan says

"Same" I replied

Looks like we are gonna have a baby Dolan or Dolans running around.

Boy or girl??? Or twins????

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