Chapter 19

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1 Week Later.....

Maria POV
"It's been a week now since I  left from California and Ethan. He's been trying to call me and text me but I'm avoiding him boys are annoying all they like to do is make fun of a girl and mess with her heart. I don't know I'm just taking it seriously I'm sensitive about the situation well guess what I've been through a lot and when his friends and him were trying to be funny and all it kept reminding me of school when I would get bullied but whatever I should just move on with my life.

I slipped on my black boots and got a message from Grayson.

Hey, wanna get some Starbucks? -Grayson

I thought about it for a minute I could use some Starbucks after all.

Yes sure, I'll meet you there- Maria

Okay :)-Grayson

I slipped on my black boots and threw my hair up in a ponytail. I left and drove to Starbucks. Once I got their I saw Grayson sitting at a table.

I walked over to him as he smiled. "Hey their Mario's" he smiles

"Mario's? I giggled

"Imma goofy person I don't know" Grayson blushes

A waiter came to take our orders.

"What can I get you? The waiter asked
"I'll have a latte" Grayson says

"I'll take the French vanilla cuppacino" I say

They nod, as they left "so like how have you been since? Grays asked

"I don't know how am I supposed to feel? I asked

Grayson POV
"I hope Maria doesn't hate me for this but Ethan told me what happened and she's avoiding him and Ethan should be on his way here I want them to work things out.

Our drinks came as I took a sip Ethan better hurry.

Maria POV
"I took a sip from my cappuccino and looked at Grayson. "Are you okay? I asked raising my brow

"Who me? Yeah, I'm find" Grayson says

For some reason it feels like he's acting strange and up to something.

A few minutes later I check my phone and social media was same as usual.

"Ethan! Grayson says

I snap and look up at Gray and turn to see Ethan.

"What are you doing here? I asked

"I told him to come! Grayson says

"What? Grayson what is wrong with you? I asked

Obviously, I didn't want to see him

"I want you guys to work things out! Grayson shouts

Ethan takes a sit as I get up from mine.

"Maria" Ethan begins

"No save it Ethan, I'm done with you and your friends" I snapped

"What let me explain you don't have to rudely interrupt me! He shouts

I was angry, hurt, sad, mad, pissed, upset etc all building up inside me.

"How could you! I shouted

With that sad I poured my drink on his head which made him mad.

"You really blew it this time Ethan you really did congratulations, your greatest mistake! I shouted walking out of the place

Ethan POV
"I can't believe she did that what I'd wrong with her I know I screwed up but was it really necessary to pour your drink on my head?

"Ahhh! It's hot! I shouted

I looked over at Grayson who was laughing.

"Stop laughing you idiot you see what's he did to me ugh! I shouted

I'm mad now did I really just a Starbucks drink dumped on my head by a girl?

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