Chapter 12

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Maria POV
"It's a been a week now, well since I convinced Grayson to stay. Me, Ethan, and Grayson were at my apartment and today was tuesday.

"Hey Maria, today is Dolan Twin Tuesday do you mind if me and Ethan record our YouTube video here? Ethan asked giving me puppy eyes

I couldn't say no to that so I nodded.

"Sure" I replied

"Thanks Maria" Grayson smiles

Ethan hugged me "anyways I'm gonna run to Walmart and by some things" I explain

They both nodded as I headed out of the door.

Ethan POV
"Glad Maria let us film she then left as Grayson set up the camera.

"Hey guys happy Dolan twin Tuesday say into the camera

"So today me and Ethan are gonna tape each other to the door and see who can get out the fastest" Grayson explains

"Yup" I say holding the duck tape

"I'm gonna go first cause I wanna rest my feet and I don't care about my leg hair" I tell Grayson

He nods as he begins to tape me to the door. After what have felt like hours of taping Grayson finished.

"Okay not try to get yourself out" he says

I move but it was impossible "Dude, I can't move" I explain

Grayson came with an egg and cracked it on my head.

It was disgusting as he playfully shoved an egg in my mouth as I spit it out.

"I hate you with all my heart" I complain as Grayson laughed

He grabbed his phone and opened the door.

"Dude where are you going get me out! I shouted

He ignored me and left me stuck to the door.

Maria POV
"I finished shopping at Walmart and walked out as I saw Grayson wondering around outside.

I walked over to him "did you guys finish the YouTube video that fast? I asked him

"Yup" Grayson smiles

"Well, where's Ethan? I asked

"Duck tapped to the door" Grayson explains

I covered my mouth "Grayson how could you? He's your twin brother your so mean I feel bad for leaving both of you alone" I say

"Okay, I feel bad now" Grayson says

I rolled my eyes as he followed me back to my apartment.

I reached my apartment as I unlocked the door. I turned over to see Ethan tapped to the door and he looked like he had been crying but pissed.

"Omg, Ethan I'm so sorry" I say

"Just please get me out" he begs

Grayson walks in "help me! Me I tell him

He nods, as we remove all the tape off of Ethan.

He was finally down as he gave Grayson a death glare.

"My poor baby, are you okay? I asked

"I'm okay" Ethan says

"Can I shower? He asks

I couldn't take the smell of the egg yolk any longer so I nodded as he went to shower.

Happy Dolan twin Tuesday it Tuesday in Michigan, vote and comment, follow me and @iluvromanreigns.

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