Chapter 15

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Heather POV
" Ugh, Maria thought she won this time it's them Dolan Twins they are basically controlling her life it's not fair it's not Ethan and Grayson too the rescue? She's nothing without Ethan it's time he goes. But wait, their's Grayson. Of course, I always heard that theirs always that one jealous twin brother who likes to steal their brother's girl but who am I kidding, he's desperate.

My plan will work but it has nothing to do with kidnapping Maria, in fact, it will just shatter her. I slipped on my sunglasses and headed to the Dolan Twin residence. I knocked on the door a minute later the door swung open and I seen that pretty face...Ethan.

"What the hell are you doing here? Ethan shouted

"Easy there Ethie" I say

"Don't you want the best for Maria? I asked

"Yeah I do, now why are you really here? He asked annoyed

"I want you leave Maria and move somewhere and enjoy your life" I explain to him

He was silent for a moment "Nooo! What kind of sick person are you? He snaps

"You want the best for her right? If you leave her then nobody will ever hurt her again" I convinced

He thought about it for a moment.

"Why dhould I trust you your obviously still up to something? He says

"Find, looks like you'll just watch your princess die instead of protecting her" I say turning around to walk away.

"Wait! Ethan says as I turned around and faced him

"I'll break up with her, but you better not lay a finger on her! He says

I nodded as I left.

Ethan POV
"I can't believe everything that had just happened. I hate Heather so much but I'd rather be thankful for someone who is safe then be with them while they are being harmed.

I slammed the door I started packing I care a lot about Maria but if she's safe then that's all I should worry about. I just can't.... break up with her face to face.

I need Grayson to do this because if I do I'll die inside just by the look on her face.

"Grayson" I whisper

He gets of the couch and walks over to me noticing my packed suitcase.

"Yeah? He asked confused

"Can you please do me a favor? I asked him

He nods,"I'm leaving I'm going to California I have to break up with...Maria I-I... just can't do it myself please Grayson, I need you to tell her it's the only way she's safe don't tell her where I am or else Heather will hurt her and I won't be their to keep her safe I made a deal with Heather already" I explain

"Ethan what the hell are you serious? He asked shocked

I nodded as I walked straight out of the door it's for the best. I placed my suitcase in the trunk. I texted Maria too meet at the bridge. She thinks it's me but really it's going to be Grayson.

I just hope he tells her sooner or later. I started the engine as I glanced at Grayson who was upset. I slightly nodded at him as I drove.

I kept thinking about Maria and just imagine how she'll take it. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as I quickly wiped them away.

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