Chapter 44

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Maria POV
"I stared outside through the window and it was raining. I hate when it rains nature is depressing. I heard the door swing open as it was Ethan. We had recently gone baby shopping or as I like to call Dolan Twin shopping.

"Hey, how are you doing? Ethan asked

"Okay, I guess?" I replied

He rubbed my back and I must admit I am struggling it ain't easy being pregnant but I keep having cramps and the babies keep kicking I just want them out already.

He touched my stomach and kissed it.

"They giving you a hard time? He asked

"Pretty much" I answered

"Oh, how I can't wait until you guys are born" he says

I shook my head "your so funny eth imagine yourself pregnant WITH TWINS! I explained

"Oh, god" he says

I feel weak and stressed out I just wanna lay in bed all day and do nothing but I just can't seem too.

"Don't worry you got this three more weeks" Ethan says

"Yeah 3 more weeks of mega pain" I complained

Ethan POV
"I feel bad for Maria I don't blame her she is pregnant and she's struggling but I just want to be their at the end and make sure she's okay.

"Is their anything I can do? I asked

"No, Ethan go! She mumbles


I decided to leave her alone and let her rest maybe she'd calm down or something.

I walked out of the room until I heard "Aaaah!!!

"Maria! I shouted as I barged back I'm the room and she was clutching on to her stomach in pain.

I knelt down to help her " are you okay? I asked

"Does it look like I'm okay Ethan huh? She snapped

I still don't blame her and that was obviously, something stupid to ask cause she isn't obviously.

"Pass me the Advil please" she asked

I nod, as I hand it to her and she takes a pill and washes it down with water. I guess that shall help her.

About five minutes later she relaxed on the couch as I sat next to her and pushed her hair away from her face so I could admire her beautiness.

"How are you feeling now? I asked

"Good" she says

I nod, as I push a piece of her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek.

I couldn't wait were gonna be a big happy family.

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