Chapter 1

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Tris POV:
Just breathe Beatrice. Just breathe.
"Good morning Father. Good morning mother." It's the week before the annual kingdom festival. As the king of Abnegation, my father has been planning this event for 6 months. There are 5 kingdoms a great distance from each other: the Kingdom of Erudite, the Kingdom of Candor, the kingdom of Amity, the Kingdom of Dauntless, and the Kingdom of Abnegation.
"Good morning Beatrice." softly speaks my mother. My father on the other hand is surrounded by servants with stacks of papers on each side. He's planned this festival down to what birds are going to fly that day. Now he's doing what he does best, checking his list another 300th time. I don't bother disturbing him or he'll just check everything on his list from the very beginning. I go to the dining table and sit next to my mother. I wait for the chefs to bring me my breakfast.
"Thank you." I say as they walk back into the kitchen.
"Beatrice, are you excited to see Caleb next week?"
I smile slightly and nod. Caleb has married Princess Jeanine of Erudite. It's the first time I'll get to see him since he left. He now rules by her side. It's the law for the children to marry and join kingdoms together. My father has this big plan to be the first kingdom to unite with more than one kingdom. It's now my turn to marry a prince. The thought of me marrying makes my stomach sick.
"Something wrong Beatrice?" my mother calmly asks. I didn't realize I was staring into space.
"Oh, yes! I'm sorry I was just thinking. Um...may I be excused?"
My mother looks at me with worry.
"You sure? You haven't touched your plate."
I get up and push in my chair.
"I'm not hungry."
I walk out and head to my room. I can't marry now. Not for the kingdom and not for my father.
(A/N: I hope you liked this first chapter! More will be coming soon!)

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