Chapter 24

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Tris POV:

"What? No I'm not-"

"You can cut the act Beatrice. I'm Erudite remember? I won't say anything. I'm your brother."

I smile softly. "What do I do?"

He stares into the crowd. "Do what's right."

I'm really sick of hearing that.


There are 2 villagers on stage doing a dance while everyone is clapping to the beat. It's really nice.

The act is over. As royals we are to have the talents come up to us to shake our hand.

"Your majesty." My parents stand and shake a man who's name is Ren, introduces a young man behind him dressed in all black.

"I would like to introduce Prince Peter." Peter stands out from behind Ren and bows his head.

"It's a pleasure to meet the king and queen of abnegation."

He's strong. I can see it through his right black shirt along with tight black pants. He has a piercing in his eyebrow and a tattoo coming down his arm.

That's the man I'm supposed to marry?

"Beatrice, dear?"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my mother. "Would you like to meet your future husband?"

I nod and smile softly. Peter takes my hand and kisses it lightly. "An absolute pleasure Princess."

"Why don't you two enjoy the festival?" My father speaks.

I turn my head to Caleb and see him looking at me. He raises an eyebrow.

Is that him?

I nod. Yes. What do I do?

He places his hand over his heart.

Follow it.

I nod and leave the stage with Peter.

"So, Prince Peter, tell me about yourself. After all, we're getting married to-"

"Shut up will you? I don't care to get to know you. I'm only marrying you so I don't lose my crown."

I jerk my hand out of his grasp. "You don't even care about being compatible?"

"Why? You're way out of my league. Way too small. I'll only have you around to bang. If little abnegation girls even can give a good banging."

I scoff. That's absolutely disgusting. I'm worth more than my body. I know I'm not the prettiest but I consider myself average.

"You're a horrible person."

"You won't be saying that tonight."

"Excuse me?" What is his insinuating?

"I mean I need to know how you are in bed before I actually go through with this."

"You think I'm going to do anything with you?? You're out of your mind!"

"You'll have to." He smirks.

"And why is that?" I stand there crossing my arms. I'm quite annoyed.

"They expect us to be pregnant with a child by the next 2 weeks."

My face drops. They want me to actually have this psycho's baby??

My thoughts all fade when I see smoke behind Peter's head. I squint to see what's in flames.

Eaton Works


"Peter! That place is on fire! Someone might be in there! We have took help!"

He just shrugs.

"What is wrong with you? Forget about me, this is a life that we could lose if we don't go help right now!"

He shrugs again and walks toward the food.

I stare back at the burning building. Tobias might be in there.

I try to run but fall quickly due to my heels and long gray dress.

I groan and see a small explosion come from the window. No one can see or hear it due to the music and entertainment.

I kick off my heels, pick up my dress, and sprint to the burning building.

Ok short chapter. Sorry. I didn't

want to write a really long

chapter for what I need to put in


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