Chapter 25

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Tris POV:

The stabbing pain of pebbles on my bare frets grow numb after running for so long.

I just know Tobias is in there. And I may have already lost him, but I can't lose him again.

I reach the burning building and see it's completely engulfed in flames.

I try to break down the door but it won't budge. I look closely at the hinges and see it's been nailed down from the outside.

Somebody started this fire on purpose.

I grab my heel and start tearing at the hinges with it. The door starts ripping and I start tugging on the door to get it off.

"What are you doing?"

I turn around to see an angered man.


Sorry another short chapter. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I'm not going to share what I got because I feel it's better to talk about how I spent time with my family. 2016 is in 3 days! Maybe I'll post a New Years chapter 😉

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