Chapter 27

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Tobias POV:

"No." She says plainly.

She needs to listen to me.

"Tris, it's not what it looks like. He was trying to kill me and I didn't mean to hurt you. I just-"

"But you intended to hurt your father? That's not the man I know."

Right. Cause she knows me so well.

" 'That's not the man I know ' ? What about you? I don't even know who you are! Am I talking to the princess or is she pretending to be Tris. You're as fake as they come and a crown on your head doesn't make you any better."

We stand there in silence. Anger is flowing through my body and my adrenaline is pumping.

But i immediately regret what I said. But there's no way I can take it back in front of everyone.

A man dressed in black stands in front of Tris.

"Guards!" He yells.

2 black men with piercings run up to him. "Yes, Prince Peter?" The talk man asks.

"Get this man away from my fiancé!" Peter demands.

The 2 men grab me by my arms roughly, almost lifting me off my feet.

"Now, we have a wedding to plan. And if you come near us, I will have you killed." He speaks viciously.

The all walk away. Except for Tris. She stands there and stares at me, not with pity or disgust. But with disappointment.

And that is the worst look of all.

"Beatrice honey," her mom whispers.

Tris walks away without another look.

* * * *
Tris POV:

Peter walks along me to his black carriage. He gets in.

"Peter, will you give me like 5 minutes? I think I left some stuff in my room."

"Just hurry up. All this gray boring people is actually making me sick."

I roll my eyes and head into the castle. I slowly walk up the stairs while nostalgia hits me like a brick.

I fingers fiddle with the doorknob and I slowly open it. The room looks the same except for my desk. I asked Christina to grab my papers since their too important to leave behind.

I walk around the room and put my hand on everything I see. I'm going to miss my tower. It was lonely but I got to see everything of the kingdom. Who knows what I will see in Dauntless. Probably people being murdered.

Opening my wardrobe, I see my gray princess robe. And all the other robes. But there's a box. I take it out and set it on the bed.

I open it and it reveals my very first tiara when I was 5. And a note on top. It reads:

I figured you would come back on last time. It belonged to your father's grandmother. And she passed it down to your father's mother. And she passed it down to your mother. And your mother passed it down to you. I figured you would want to keep it to remember your roots.
~ Johanna

A tear slips down my cheek. My mother gave this to me when I helped my first person.


"Beatrice honey! Slow down!"

"Come on Mommy! Keep up!"

My feet are moving like carriage wheels. Playing tag is so much fun!

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