Chapter 23

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Tris POV:

Oh gosh. My eyes widen and I back up a little.

"Beatrice. Did she just call you Tris?"

Tobias takes a closer look at me and widens his eyes.

"TRIS?" He shouts loudly. I jump to the sudden anger in his voice.

"Tobias, let me explain. I was-"

"This whole thing was a lie. You don't love me. You had pity on me."

Tears well up in my eyes. "Tobias, I love you. I made Tris to live a different life than royalty. I met you as Tris and you fell in love with Tris. You love me for me and I was going to tell you but-"

"But I love Beatrice, also. But their both liars."

Tobias walks away without saying another word. I have lost all feeling in my body and I crumble to the floor. Christina and Johanna are by my side but I can't bring myself to stand.

"Oh Tris, I'm so sorry. I should've kept that name between us privately. I'm so sorry. Was that him?"

I nod slowly.

"We'll fix this. Come on, the festival is about to being and we need to get you cleaned up."

Chris and Johanna help me up and take me upstairs.


Johanna went downstairs to finish the last minute preparations, while Christina fixes my tousled hair, that I've been pulling on for 15 minutes, and fixes the redness of my eyes from heavy crying.

"I lost him Chris. I lost the man who I knew truly loved me for me. He didn't know I had a crown."

"Ok, well Beatrice I think-"

"Don't worry about calling me that. It doesn't matter anymore."

Chris sits on my bed next to me and hands me my tiara.

"Ok, Tris. I think we should-"

"I'm done with the plans. It's too much pain Chris. I'm going to do it."

"Do what?" She puts a hand on my back.

"I'm going to marry Prince Peter and live in Dauntless. It's what's best for the kingdom."

"No Tris! No! What about doing what's best for your heart? You can't give up when times are rough! You are a princess! Princesses fight for what's right and if that man is the right thing for you then you have to fight for him until you win! Yeah, he's mad. So what? He loves you and you love him so get off your royal butt and go get him!"

I stand up and place the tiara on my head. "I wish it was that simple Chris. But it's not. I'll finish packing when I get back."

I walk to the door and I hear Christina mumble.

"Man, that was a good speech too."

I chuckle. Yes it was Chris. But it's an irrational thought. And with that, I head downstairs for my last day as princess of abnegation.


I hear the announcer introduce my parents. They stand in front of their thrones. The announcer then introduces my brother and Jeanine. Finally, I am introduced and I walk out from behind the red curtain and stand in front my my thrown. I smile at the crowd, scanning for him.

He didn't show.

A man blows the royal horn once. We all sit together in our thrones. The horn is blown twice, then a third. The festival has begun.

The villagers cheer. Some go get food off the table and some go to the stage and prepare their acts. Others mingle and listen to the band play their joyful music.

"Why the long face?"

I turn to my brother who smiles softly at me.

"It's nothing Caleb. I'm happy you're here. It's so weird seeing you in blue."

"I'm a lot more eye catching aren't I?" He smirks and I can't help but chuckle. It's a soft one.

"I'm just confused. The fate of the kingdom rests on my union with dauntless. I am to be married tomorrow and I'm doing what's best for my kingdom."

Caleb's smile fades. "Beatrice, I chose my kingdom over love. I ended up liking Jeanine though. If I know anything about you, it's you won't be happy doing what's best for the kingdom. But you would do it. You're selfless." He holds my hand.

"I know. I'm selfless but I also love adventure. I'm curious about everything. I'm-"

Caleb whispers. "You're divergent."

Hey guys! So I'm thinking about

writing another book. Would you

want another fourtris or a Sheo

book? I'm leaning towards Sheo.

This book is wrapping up with a

few more chapters left!

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