Chapter 13

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Tris POV:
I walk up to my room. He lied to me to go on a date with a princess. Just then, I hear a knock on my door.

"Princess Beatrice, sorry to disturb you but a letter came for you."

"Thank you Johanna. (I got the name from Snow's lady in waiting from Once Upon A Time 😅) I'll take that now."

She hands me the letter, bows, and walks out. I read the front of the envelope. It's a stamp showing the abnegation signs of two hands joining with my name at the bottom so it's addressed to me. I turn it over and see the stamp of the balance. It's from Candor. Oh! This must be from Christina! I open it quickly and read it.

Princess Beatrice,
I'm so happy to hear from you! I will be down to Abnegation next week. I always love the Kingdom Festival but also your wedding date has been moved up to next week. I know it's a bit of a shock but your father wants you betrothed immediately. Although you haven't met Prince Peter yet, I'm sure it will all work out fine. You must be fitted for you dress and it's a lot of work but we will get done in plenty of time! I will give you more details about your wedding next week! See you soon!
Your Soon to be Lady in Waiting,

Wait. My wedding?? I told my father I didn't want to get married until I'm 21 and I've at least met the guy! I'm only 17! Next week is so soon! No Christina!
I start hyperventilating. I can't do this! I can't marry a man I've never met! He's Dauntless! I don't know the first thing about ruling a kingdom anyway!

Knock. Knock.

I stuff the letter in my desk. "Proceed!" I hate talking like that but just in case it's my father.
And it's a good thing I talked like that because in comes my father.

"Hello Beatrice. I have something I would like to speak with you about."

"Of course Father. Please sit down." My father sits and looks at me with a weird face. I can't really make out the expression or what he's thinking.

"I have some news that you may find bewildering. Your wedding date has been moved up to next week."

I feel like I've been stabbed in the chest. All I can manage to say is "oh".

"There's more Bea. To get situated with your living space. You will spend your first night with Prince Peter at his kingdom...before the wedding."

"What?! Why would I do that?! How could you say that?! You're my dad and you want me to spend the night with an unmarried man?! How-"

"Don't use that tone with me Beatrice. You need to get used to Dauntless so you will be here for the Kingdom Festival. The next day you will pack your belongings and Prince Peter will have dinner here. Then you will go to his kingdom after dinner and spend the night there in his room. The day after that you will be married. Your mother and I and Caleb will be there. He's your soon to be husband! You shouldn't feel so weird!"

"But I do! Please Daddy! Don't make me do this! I don't want to get married so you can have a bigger kingdom! Don't you care more about my happiness than your stupid crown?!"

He stays silent. Dad just glares at me and he stands up.

"I will see you at dinner. You will be respectful to to your new family. I'm doing this because I love you. You'll understand when you two have children."

"Now you want me to actually have children with him?!"

My father doesn't respond. He walks out the door without making another sound.
I laugh hysterically. He actually wants me to go through with this!

So that's it. I'm engaged to a man I've never met. I'm getting married next week.

How am I going to tell Tobias??

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