Chapter 16

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Tobias POV:
I get to the field actually kinda early. I don't how how I'm going to sneak in the castle, or if I'll sneak in. I can't go back home without that money. I look down and admire the beautiful sunflowers, but then I see a rose. A rose in a field of sunflowers? I pick the rose out careful to not prick myself.
     I wait for what seems like 20 minutes and I think I've been stood up. I turn around to see her. She's walking towards me with a smile on her face. That instantly makes me smile. I hand her the rise and she doesn't keep her eyes off me.
"Thank you. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance once again." She says in her upmost royal tone.

I can't help but laugh. "Do you always talk like that?"

She laughs as well. "Not really but I didn't know how this was going to go."

I hold out my hand and she looks at it for a moment. She's hesitant but takes it. I give her a smile and lead her to the middle of the field. "Close your eyes."

She doesn't say a word but does as I say. She must trust me. I don't want to ever break that trust but I know I have to make a decision soon. I lead her to a part of the field that's elevated so you can see almost the whole village. I set up a small cot with a hut a couple hours ago. It's holding up pretty steady. There are sunflowers all around the twigs and cloths I put around the roof of it.

"Ok, open your eyes."

She does and the first thing that drops is her jaw. Then her crown slips off her head and she frantically searched for it. I stop her and hold her shoulders.

"Hey Princess. No worries." I look behind her and grab the crown. I place it carefully on her head and she blushes. "It's a perfect fit." She blushes more and looks down.

She finally looks up and smiles. "So are we going to stand all night or you going to let me sit down." She giggles a little.

I laugh. "Of course. Please, sit." She sits down on the cot I made and I sit next to her.
     "So Prin-"

"Call me Beatrice." She cuts me off. "It's nice to hear my name from people other than my parents."

"Alright, Beatrice, well, why did you agree to go out with me?"

"I don't know. I see you around the village working hard and you really care about your customers and you just seemed like a nice guy..."

That's all she sees me as? A nice guy? She agreed to go out with me because she's showing pity on me. It's my fault for asking that question.

"...but, I also see someone who doesn't love for the heck of loving someone. When you asked me out, I saw that you were asking me out and not the princess."

Wow. That was deep. I think she really cares about me.

"So, Tobias, with all the questions about me, I have one for you."

"What is it"

"Why do you always want to meet up at 4 in the morning?"

Wait. How did she know that?

"How do you know I meet up at 4? This is our first da-" I blush trying to finish the word "date".

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