Chapter 28

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Tobias POV:

The guards take me down to the dungeon. It's a lot nicer than I thought it would be.

The walls are gray cinder block with a window that's the size of my head, so it's not very big.

The tall man lets me go and lock the door behind me. In the corner is some bread and water. The bread looks stale and the water looks like it's been sitting there for a while. There's dust all in it.

I sit down against the wall with my head in my hands. I need to find a way to get to Tris. This is was all a big misunderstanding. I need to find-


I hold the back of my head. What just hit me? I turn around to see a large pebble. A pebble hit me?


I look over to the window and see a woman waving here hand for me to come over.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Christina. I'm Beatrice's Lady in Waiting."

"Tris? Where is she? Is she here with you?"

She shakes her head. "No, Beatrice is on her way to Dauntless. She's supposed to be getting married tomorrow."

"I knew it. I can't believe-"

"Oh shut up would you? She was going to tell you about Peter but you forgot to mention about the plot to kill your father."

I lower my head. I should've told her that night we were together.

"What do we do?"

She leans in at the bars. "She spends the night at Dauntless and I'm supposed to be there soon. The guards are releasing you tomorrow morning. I'll come back and tell them to let you come with me so the dauntless guards can take care of you. You make up with Beatrice and get out of there."

I shake my head. "But where would we go?"

"You run as fast as you can. There's a shelter down the path north of here where you can rest. But you need to make it to Amity. That's where I'll meet you guys."

I nod. "Okay."

She gets up and starts walking away.

"Christina!" I whisper loudly

She comes back. "What?"

"Thank you."

* * * *
Tris POV:

We reach Dauntless and it looks like a large dungeon.

"Peter, where are all the villagers?"

"Did you not do any research? Dauntless live underground."

I sigh. At least at my tower, I could see outside and act free. Here, I won't see a speck of light.

"The wedding can be outside of you want." I hear him say

"What? You would do that?"

"I just don't wear you complain for the rest of our lives how miserable you were at our wedding."

I smirk. He acts tough but he cares a little.

The carriage stops in front of the castle. Peter gets out first then gives me his hand so I can get down. We walk in and the door immediately close behind us. It's dark except for the dim lighting in the halls.

"Where are we?" I ask

"Underground genius. Try to at least act like you're listening."

I roll my eyes. We turn down a hallway and up 2 flights of stairs.

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