Chapter 4

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Tobias POV:
     I've been sitting in the field picking sunflowers. They're so beautiful this time of year. The sun is starting to rise and I see the villagers coming out of their little homes. I best get back before Marcus wakes up. I stand up and then next thing I know I get hit by something and fall down in the field with someone on top of me.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?!"
     I'm trying to answer this person but my head is shaking from the fall. I look at the person but their wearing a brown, worn down hood. They must be a villager.
"Here, let me help you up!"
     The person grabs my hand and helps me onto my feet. The person then takes off the hood and I'm bewildered by what I'm seeing. Her hair is braided beautifully with small little sunflowers in it.
You're beautiful.
     I see her blush and I realize I said that out loud!
"Please excuse my manners! I'm Tobias." I hold out my hand waiting for her to take it. She takes it cautiously and shakes it. She gives me a small smile and I let go.
"I'm picking wild sunflowers. Would you like to join me?" I ask. She smiles.
"I would love to Tobias."  I take her hand again and help her sit down. I do the same right next to her and we begin picking.
"What's your name?" I ask. Her smile then disappears.

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