Chapter 32

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Tris POV

I grab his hand and we run as hard as we can. I don't know if we're going in the right direction but we just have to escape.

I start slowing down. I'm panting really hard. Peter stops and looks at me.

"Are you okay?"

Tobias and Christina stop as well. Tobias puts a hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"I've never had to run this hard in abnegation. How are you so used to it Tobias?"

"You learn to be quick on your feet when running from an abuser."

We all stay silent until we hear gun shots.

"Who's shooting at us??" I yell.

Peter turns around. His eyes widen and he grabs my hand and we all take off into a sprint.

"I thought we were the only ones with a gun!" Christina yells over the shots.

"That's Eric." Peter replies. "He's my father's guard and right hand man. They've been having secret meeting with Marcus Eaton about something and I guess he's been supplying us with weapons."

We continue to run as shots are fired. On the last shot, I feel like I've been stabbed in my back with a dagger.

I fall down face first. I can't move or scream or cry. All I can do is lay helpless. I try to at least move my head but everything is limp. It's like being dead but you can see and breathe. I can't move my eyes but I can stare at what's in front of me.

I can't even speak.

"TRIS!!" They all come running at me. Peter lays by my head and moves my face to look at him.

"Tris! Tris! Look at me! You're going to be okay!" He looks at my back and sees my bullet wound.

"Christina she's been shot!" Tobias yells over Peter's head.

I hear more footsteps and yelling.

"We'll take care of her as soon as we get out of here. Come on they're catching up!" Christina starts running.

I feel Peter pick me up but Tobias grabs his arm.

"You don't get to take her." He says sternly.

"We don't have time to switch out. We have to go."

Someone shut up and start running...

Tobias eventually lets go of Peter's arm and my body sways as we start running. More gun shots are fired but j don't hear anyone falling.

The footsteps behind us begin to fade and i stare up at the sky and watch the sunset.

It feels like we've been running for hours before I hear Christina say we're at the safe house.

"We'll be safe here for now. The Amity orchards are just down past the lake. Now let's see about Beatrice."

The door opens.

"Place her on that cot over in the corner

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"Place her on that cot over in the corner."

I'm gently let down the ground and Peter strokes my cheek.

"Talk to me Beatrice." He whispers

I wish I could talk but I can't. I just swallow as I try to speak words that won't come out.

"This should help with the pain" he holds a small glass of clear liquid. He puts it to my lips and I swallow what's inside. It's fizzes on my tongue. It tastes familiar. I think he gave me this while we were in dauntless .

"I'll be back." He gets up and go into the other room with Tobias and Christina.

I find myself falling asleep but it's hard when you can't move your eyelids so I fall asleep with them open.

* * * * *

I awake to conversation in the other room. I've regained feeling in my head and neck but no where else.

I sit and listen to what they're saying.

T:what were those things? Did you get those from my father's shop?

C: there's slot of things you don't know Tobias. You're father had a plan to team with dauntless and eventually take over all the kingdoms in steel.
    Dauntless is a fighting force and therefore and thought his plan was fool proof.

P:is that why my father had all those meetings? I was never allowed to attend.

C:exactly. These are stun guns from erudite. Turns out, erudite has been keeping something from the rest of the kingdoms.

T:technology, we know.

C:not only that but knowledge. We are not the only people in this world.

P:there are other people out there?

C:about 20 years ago, a group of people disbanded from the rest of the world and came here. They wanted rulers and created each kingdom.
     Some people who went to the erudite kingdom a couple of months ago did research on how this place started and found out about the leave.

T:what does this have to do with Marcus?

C:They left and found the rest of the world and their technology. They brought it back in secret. They were low on supply so they found Marcus examined the equipment they brought back and recreated a bunch of it.

P:so where's the rest of it?

C:well, they were burned in the fire. But the guns that I had were in a steel safe under the floor board.

T:I can't believe my dad was working with dauntless.

C: anyway, our society built itself here and built a wall. We will go to the headquarters soon.

I feel tingling in my legs and try to stand. I lean against the wall for support and make my way to the room where they are speaking. I opened the door and they all turn to me.

"Tris." Tobias hugs me tightly

I cringe a little and Tobias notices and let's go.

"How's the pain?"

"It's a dull ache now thanks to the drink Peter gave me. Though, I don't remember why I have pain."

They all look at me confused. Everyone except Peter.

"You don't remember? Maybe you have a concussion." Tobias examines my head.

"You were shot." Peter says

I hold my stomach. "Ugh, I don't feel well."

"Here Tris, we have some bread for you." Christina hands me a plate and I sit down where I'm at and eat the bread slowly.

Peter walks over to me with the same water he gave me before. It's fizzes on my tongue and I immediately feel at ease.

"Thank you."

"Alright guys," Christina says. "get some rest. We have a lot of planning to do."

Hey guys! So another update! The next chapter will most likely be the last one. So I'll save my thank you and goodbye speech for the next chapter 😂

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