Chapter 5

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Tris POV:
"What's your name?" Tobias asks. My name? I can't tell him my name? He'll know I'm the princess!
"My name is...Tris." Tobias smiles.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Tris. Where do you work?"
     He's asking all these questions. How do I respond? I've never worked a day in my life! Although I've tried, someone usually pushed me out of the way and insisted they did it for me.
"Um, just in the castle..." Tobias's eyes widen with amazement.
"You work in the castle?! You have the best job in the kingdom! I bet it pays a lot! Are you like a servant or something??" Again with the questions!
"Uh, yeah,...sure... How about you?"
     Tobias's smile shrinks. "I'm just the son of a blacksmith. I'm not very good so my dad just makes me the delivery boy." Tobias hangs his head and I grab his chin and lift his head so he's facing me.
"My father says that you are more that what you show the world. Tobias, you are never just anything."
     It's quiet but not awkward. We just stare into each others eyes and I don't know if I'm imagining things but I feel like I see sparks fly between our eyes. Tobias leans in and I follow. We're so close we share each others breaths.
     We both jump back from the sudden sound of a bell. A bell? I jerk my head toward the castle and see the sun has risen. The bell is to wake the servants! I have to get back!
"The bell! I have to go!" I get up and brush my self off. Tobias does the same.
"May I walk you to your room?"
I hold his hands and thank him.
"Thank you but I'm ok!" I take off in a sprint but I hear my name calling from Tobias. I stop and turn my head to him.
"Can I see you later today?" Tobias yells. "Sure! When?" I yell back. "Here at the field! Four O'clock!" I nod to him and run back to the castle.
     I climb the stones on the wall and jump down. I run back through the garden and sneak into the kitchen window. The chefs are in the shower so I run down the hall and into the stairwell. I reach my bedroom and jump onto my bed. And a smile grows on my face.
     I technically have my first date at four o'clock!

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