Chapter 26

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Tris POV: (Tobias's POV will be later)


I turn to look at the burning building.

"Tris! What are you doing?"

Tobias tries to pull me away from the door but I hear someone inside crying for help.

"Tobias someone is in there! I have to get this door off!"

His face is full of anger. "No one important is in there."

I stand there in complete shock. How could he say a person isn't important?

"Tobias...every life is important. Now you can either help me get this person out or you can get out of the way."

I say it with as much firmness in my voice as I can. But he stands there in my way.

I stand back and look at him. He won't make this easy.

"Tobias, -"

"My father is in there." He says quietly.

"And you're going to let him die?"

His body begins to shake. "He was trying to kill me. He beat me for years and he tried to kill me with one of his steel irons from the fire. I dodged it and he fell to the floor and the floor caught fire with the hot steel iron. I left him in there and nailed the door. It was either him or ME!"

"Tobias, what he did was wrong but I will not stand here while a life is lost. I am the princess of abnegation until tomorrow. If what you said is true, we can lock him up. But he will not die by your hand. Now get out of my way before I'm forced to go through you!"

He doesn't move. I take a step forward and I see him flinch.

So that's how it's going to be.

I start walking towards the door and Tobias grabs my arm and slams me to the ground. I gasp for air before I'm quick to my feet.

He's crying. "I'm sorry Tris. I can't let you save him. I won't be free until he's out of my life."

I sprint to the door and he grabs my waist and tries to pull me to the ground but I grab his shirt and take him with me.

He groans while I roughly tug on the door. It creaks and I can see the inside. There's a man on the floor coughing.

Tobias pushes me away. I grab a thick branch. He stares at me wide eyed.

An explosion comes from a window and I hear a yell.


I pretend to aim at his head and he tries to block it but I quickly hit his manhood.

He cries in pain and sinks to the floor.

I break the door open and rush in. I immediately cover my eyes from the heat of the flame.

I see the man from through the window. I turn his head to see he's no longer conscious.

I lift the man over my shoulders but drops him quickly. He ways like a ton! I resort to plan B and I take his arm and drag him. There's another explosion and the ceiling collapses where he was lying.

I make it to the door and drag the man out. Tobias is leaning against the wall. He sees me and limps towards me.

He has an apologetic look until he sees his father laying on the ground.

"I can't believe you did this."

"Tobias I will not apologize for saving a life. Now I'm taking him to the castle infirmary."

He grabs my arm but I punch him square in his jaw.

He stumbles back and falls. I pull the man and shake out my hand. That really hurt.

* * * *

By the time I reach the castle, I'm basically dragging myself.

I can barely hold myself up and I fall onto the food table and the whole thug changes collapses to the floor.

"Princess Beatrice!" I hear Peter yelling. He kneels down next to me.


"Look at all the food that's going to waste! I didn't even get to try the butterballs! Way to go klutz."

"Gee- I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

I hear my parents and some guards running up to me. And I guess Peter hears him to cause he extends his hand and helps me up.

"Princess, are you alright? I was so worried when you didn't come back."

There's the fake Peter.

"I'm fine but this man needs to go to the infirmary."

Some guards take him and my mom hugs me tightly followed by my brother.

I open my eyes to see Tobias running to me. The music stops and everyone is staring.

"Let me explain."

"No." I state plainly

Hey 2 chapters in a day! I don't know I just wanted to do another chapter. Anyone want to share their New Year Resolution? I'll go first.

My new year resolution is to better control my anxiety and to get out in the world.

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