Chapter 33

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Tris POV


We've been at this safe house for 2 weeks now. Everyone has been gathering information on the originals and erudite's technology.

But I haven't been able to doing anything cause I've been sick the whole time.

"Hey Tris." Christina walks into my room.

"Hey Chris." I sit up in my bed and she sits next to me.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm still a little sick. I don't even know what I ate to make me throw up so much."

Christina thinks for a moment. "Maybe you have a stomach bug? It's not uncommon in abnegation."

"Maybe. It just doesn't feel like it. It's only in the morning and when I get done, I feel fine."

"Well, I have an erudite spy coming by later today with something. He should give us some answers and I have him bring one other thing."

"What is it?" I ask curiously

"You'll see when it gets here. Now come on, it's time for breakfast."

I get up from the bed and head to the kitchen. It's small with a place to heat up the food and a small table just large enough for 4 people.

 It's small with a place to heat up the food and a small table just large enough for 4 people

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The cabin itself is very rustic.

"Morning Rose." Tobias hands me a plate of scrambled eggs and some cut up apples and pears.

Rose. Cause I'm his rose in a field of sunflowers...

He gives me a kiss and I see Peter in the corner staring.

I suddenly feel a knot in my stomach and run to the bathroom. I end up vomiting into the toilet.

I wash my face then head back into the kitchen. Everyone is sitting down eating and I join. I sit next to Christina and Tobias and Peter is across from me.

"Still sick?" Tobias asks

I nod and silently eat my food.

"It's been 2 weeks Tris. Maybe you should go see a doctor." He adds

I shake my head. "No it'll pass."

"Here." Peter hands me a drink. I taste it and it's the fizzy drink I've been having.

I don't know what it is. But this drink takes away all my pain. Physically and mentally.

"So what's the plan today Christina?" Tobias asks in between bites

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