Chapter 6

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Tris POV:
     I've been thinking about Tobias all morning. Villagers really have the life. They're not cooped up in the castle all day. There's a knock at the door and I fix my hair and sit up in my bed.
"Come in!" I yell.
     My father walks in with a disappointed look. He's dressed in his kingly attire and crown.
"Beatrice, you know we don't yell in this castle and we certainly don't say 'come in'. You're a princess. Please start talking like one."
     My father was always the one to address being royal is the first image a person sees. I never got away with anything around him.
"Please pardon me Father. What brings you to my quarters? I thought you and Mother were on your way to a meeting in the Candor Kingdom." I hate talking like that. But whatever to please him.
"You are pardoned. There was a blockage in the passageway so the meeting has been postponed. Lunch will be served late today. Will you be joining us?"
     I smile and stand up for a proper exit.
"Of course Father. Will that be all?"
     My father walks to me and kisses my forehead.
"No man will ever love you like a father loves his daughter. Enjoy your day Beatrice."
     I smile as my father walks out of my room. I go to my desk and get out some stationery and a pen. I write to my ladies maid in waiting. Her name is Christina. She lives in the Kingdom of Candor but is transferring to the Kingdom of Dauntless when I marry. We've become great friends.
          I am in need of your assistance. I have an event later today in which must remain disclosed. If you could make your way to Kingdom Abnegation, I would greatly appreciate it. I have enclosed 20 pieces of gold for your travel.
            Princess Beatrice
I blow a special whistle in my drawer and open the window. A bird that has been specially trained to deliver messages flies in. I tie the letter to its feet. To Candor. I whisper and it flies off. Now to get ready to meet Tobias.

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