Chapter 10

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Tris POV:
Hi there...that's so dumb. What's up? No. He's staring at me. I haven't said anything!

"Hey Tobias." I say staring into his blue eyes.

"You serve tea to the royals after they've eaten?"

I notice that I still have the tea tray in my hand. The kettle has no tea in it and there are no cookie biscuits on the saucers.

"Uh,...I'm actually on my way to the kitchen to get some chocolate biscuits! The Princess loves them!"

Princess?? Why did I mention myself?! He may want me to introduce him?!

"Oh Princess Beatrice? You just missed her! I think she went up to her room. How is know, working for Princess Beatrice?"

"It's definitely something, so about our date. Things just kinda happened and-"

"No sweat." Tobias cuts me off. "Working for royals is definitely not a normal schedule. Plus things came up on my side of the action. Think we can reschedule?"

He's surprisingly calm about this. I honestly was kinda hoping he would be a little distract or angry, giving me some sign or hope that he cared.

"Yeah sure. I really have to go." Tobias grabs my hand giving me a gentle smile.

"You think I can meet Princess Beatrice? She didn't really give an opinion on the market item."

I knew that was coming. He already met the princess! If only he knew that. I can't say yes! But how will I say no?

"Um...I really don't know."

"It'll be really quick! I just want her opinion. I'll be out within 45 seconds!" Tobias gives me that look like he saw a lost injured puppy. I can't say no to that. Only heartless people would ignore that kind of plea.

"I guess for a second. She lives in the highest tower. I'll take you to her."

Crap. Crap. CRAP! I'm dead. I'm worse than dead. I'll be broken. He's the first guy that likes me for me and not being a royal. He doesn't even know I'm royal so I know it's real. Well, it will for another 5 minutes.
We reach the doorway of my bedroom and I stop, trying to collect my thoughts. I could change my clothes? No. Even if I had time to change, I couldn't explain how my face looked exactly the same. My first relationship lasted a day. Not even a full day.

"Is everything ok?" I hear Tobias whisper. I turn to him almost teary eyed.

"Yeah, I just don't know how this will turn out. She can be kinda...hard in certain situations."

Tobias puts his hand on my shoulder. "If I know anything about the princess, it's that she never intentionally hurts anyone. No matter what the situation."

Please hold on to that.

I find my hand on the door handle.
And then it hits me.

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