Chapter 31

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(Oh my gosh that edit😖horrible
Don't kill me it was late at night)

Tobias POV

"Tobias." She stares at me through the mirror.

I can't even speak. She looks absolutely stunning. The way the black color brings out her eyes. The way the dress curves her waist. Her silk hair flowing down her chest.

But it's not for me.

"Tobias are you alright?"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by her words. I walk up the 2 stairs to her and embrace her in a tight hug. I've missed her scent so much.

"Uh hate to break up the sweet reunion but we don't have a lot of time before those guards wake up and tell everyone."

I let Beatrice go and look at her.

"What guards?" She asks curiously

"Never mind that. We don't have much time."

She lifts up her dress and I grab her hand.

We make a run to the door but stop once we hear...


We turn around and there stands Peter coming from the balcony stairs in a suit and tie.

* * * * *

Tris POV:

There stands Peter with the most sincere look I've ever seen.

"Has the wedding started? Am I late?" He asks while fixing his tie.

"We're leaving Peter." Tobias states kinda harshly

I've never seen him this sincere. My eyes water from the sight of Peter looking so vulnerable.

"Beatrice? What's going on?"

I stand there speechless. Tobias risked everything to come and save me but Peter has never acted this way. Does he really love me?

"Beatrice. We have to go." Tobias asks a little worried.

"I-" nothing comes out.

I see Peter take something from behind the door.

It's the black lilies from the garden...

"I was going to give them to the bridesmaid. I remember the first time I showed you the balcony-"

"We really don't have time for this." Tobias says hurriedly.

"Tobias, it's alright." I nod for Peter to continue.

"I remember the first time I showed you the balcony. You loved the breeze on your face. And you were just about speechless when you saw the garden of lilies so I figured you would want to start our life with them."

"She's not starting her life with anyone but me." Tobias speaks up loudly.

"Look iron boy, I didn't choose this arrangement but I'm trying to make the best of it." Peter defends.

"Peter why are you doing this?" I ask. "You never cared before."

"I did some thinking while I was getting dressed. I don't hate you. I thought I would hate a stiff but I don't. That's why I arranged the garden for the wedding and I picked these flowers myself." He nodded down at the flowers.

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