Chapter 21

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Tris POV:
I quickly dry myself off and wrap the towel around my body. As I run out my bathroom door, I see Johanna on the floor with a message in a broken glass bottle.

"Johanna! Are you alright??"

I run over to her and help her stand. She nods but holds her arm in pain.

"A man, dressed in black, threw this at your window Princess. I think it's for you."

I take the letter out of the bottle and read each word carefully. "First Rule of Being Dauntless: Never Be Vulnerable".

I read the note over and over again to make sure I'm reading this carefully. The more I read, the more sure I am that I don't want to marry anyone from Dauntless.

"What is it Princess? Shall I alert the King and Queen?"

"No! Johanna, thank you, but I think it's best if I get dressed now. I have somewhere I need to be."

Johanna nods and leaves my room. I get changed quickly and grab the note from Christina. I jog out the door and downstairs to the main hall. No one is downstairs of course. Everyone is outside getting ready for the Kingdom Day Festival tomorrow.

Since there's no one around, I dart over to the library. I go to the very back and look at a wall. It has 2 numbers. They're both at 0,0. I scroll one and stop at 4. The other at 6. The wall makes a click noise and pushes a little inward. I push it in and pull it to the side so there's just enough space for me to squeeze in. I shut the door and walk down the stairs.

The restricted section is off limits. It has secrets about the kingdom's that even Erudite doesn't know about. I see Christina off in a corner sitting on a couch.

"Chris!" I whisper loudly.

"Tris!" I run up to her and hug her tightly. She embraces me just as hard.

"How did you know? This marriage...everything?"

"I'm your best friend Tris. I got the vibe." She chuckles lightly but her face turns grave.

"We don't have much time Tris. I'm expected to meet your parents soon. Are you sure you want out of this marriage? There's a chance your kingdom will fall into a war."

I gasp silently. Abnegation in a war? It doesn't even sound right?

"I'm trying to be selfless. I really am but I- I can't marry someone I haven't even met. And how would it lead to war if I don't marry?"

"You're the last heir to the throne. If this kingdom doesn't unite then it will look like you favor erudite over dauntless and they'll try and overthrow your father. Abnegation can't fight alone so they'll team up with another kingdom and then dauntless will team up with most likely erudite and-"

"Erudite?" I interrupt. "But my brother is married to princess Jeanine. Wouldn't they join us?"

Chris shakes her head. "Not likely. Erudite provides defense mechanisms for dauntless. Dauntless may have the weapons and strength but Erudite has the brain power. They're a team. You're brother just joined them, not knowing he circumstances."

So this sake of this kingdom depends on me marrying Prince Peter. That's asking too much of me!

"Now Tris, we have an option of-"

"I'm in love with someone else!" I yell a little loudly.

Chris's eyes widen as she takes a step back. "Who." She says quietly as of afraid someone will hear us.

"Tobias Eaton."

"Tris you can't. You're going down the wrong path. This will not end well. You have to be selfless-"

"That's just it Chris! I'm not selfless! I don't belong here! I'm not a fighter! I'm not a thinker! I'm not peaceful! I'm not honest, I lie when it's needed! And I'm not selfless! Where do I fit in this world?!"

Christina runs up to me and puts a hand over my mouth. I'm taken back by her sudden movement but she shushes me quickly.

"Shut up Tris. You can't say stuff like that out loud."

"Why??" I whisper. "What am I?"

Chris walks over to a section in the restricted area. The light down here is dimmed so low you can barely see anything. She brings back a book.

"Divergence?" I read aloud.

"You don't belong in any of the kingdoms. That's why you have trouble fitting in but Tris you have to fight. Do you hear me? You can't let anyone know what you are."

"I'm...Divergent. Will I become a villager?" My voice sounds a little too dry for the situation. But that means I can live with Tobias.

"No. You'll die." Her voice is soft but dark. "They're hastily searching for divergence. Once they find out what you are, they'll kill you to restore peace in the kingdoms."

I lose my balance and fall to the ground. Chris supports my head and sits me up.

"Marriage is my only option, isn't it."

"I'm afraid so. It's either war or marriage. But you're not alone Tris. I'll be there with you to help. But dauntless is the most dangerous. They search for it too and a Prince Peter won't make an exception for you. He prefers to rule solemnly anyway."

Chris helps me up and we stand there in the dark. "Chris, how long do I have?"

She stares at the ground. "A day. Tomorrow is the Kingdom's Day Festival. Then you'll spend the night with Peter. Then that morning, you'll be marrying him."

I feel like all the air is being sucked out of me. I have no choice but to marry Prince Peter. How will I tell Tobias.

The clock strikes and Chris raises her head. "We have to meet your parents now. I'm sorry Tris. I only know one way out of this."

We continue to walk while I contemplate what she means. We sneak out of the restricted section and jog out of the library.

My parents wait at the front entrance with sad faces. "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting your majesties. I had to see how Princess Beatrice was doing." Christina speaks.

My parents turn around and they smile. "We began to grow worry that you would arrive! Welcome to Abnegation Lady Christina!" My mother hugs her and Chris bows to my father. We walk on to the dining hall and Chris shoots me a look.

I then know how to get out of this.

AN: guys i am so sorry it took me

so long to update. Things got even

more hectic. I don't want to go

Into full detail but I am mentally

sick. I'm getting better though!

I hope everything gets better for

those in Paris. Terrorists have no

religion. Stay safe!

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