Chapter 22

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Tris POV:

It's the Kingdom Day Festival. The whole castle is silent as everyone is preparing outside. Tables are being set up. The villagers are practicing their acts for the villager's show. 5 thrones are being set up for Dad, Mom, me, Caleb, and his wife Jeanine.

I still need to get dressed but I must keep my mind busy. So I'm helping out the kitchen by bringing food outside to the tables. The villagers are all smiling and it brings my face to a grin. That grin disappears when I see him.


He sees me and speed walks up to me.

"Tris! I haven't seen you around much!" He hugs me.

"Well, you and the princess seem to have hit it off. It's ok. I'm used to being ditched for royalty."

His face falls. "No Tris! It isn't like that! I-"

I cut him off. "It's really ok. Look, I have to get back to help set up. Have fun with the princess."

I walk off and set some cookies on the table. I want to cut things off with him. But he's so nice and out of the things that happened, I can't do that. I do love him. I still wonder if he loves me for me and not my crown. Everything he's done could've been to become royalty.

"Princess Beatrice!" I hear someone shout. I turn my head to see Johanna fast walking towards me. I look around to make sure Tobias didn't hear Johanna.

"Shh! Johanna! Please be quiet!"

She frowns at me. "What's the matter Princess?"

"I don't like to be addressed like that in public. What do you need?"

"The Festival is about to begin. You need to get ready. Lady Christina is in your room awaiting your arrival."

"Thank you Johanna." I start walking towards the castle when she gently touched my wrist.

"Would you like some help? It's my last day as your lady in waiting. I- I could help you get ready."

I really don't need help. I need to talk to Chris by myself. But it is her last day as my lady in waiting. Tonight I will spend the night with Prince Peter and the day after I will be married. Hopefully, I can get out of this.


"Please Princess!" She cuts me off. "You haven't asked me to do anything for you since you were 4."

"Johanna. I would love it if you helped me."

We walked up to my room together where Chris was sitting on my bed packing my clothes into my travel case.

"Chris, do you mind coming back in a few. I'm going to have Johanna help me."

Christina smiles and stands. "No problem. I'll go help set up outside."

She walks out the doors and Johanna smiles gently at me. "Well Princess, what should I help you with first?"

I look around my room. "Could you help me finish packing?"

We both sit down on my bed and continue to fold my clothes.

Tobias POV:

I need to find a way to hang out with Tris, but I can't cheat on Beatrice. I love her, but I love Tris too. I'm so conflicted.

"Tobias!" I hear someone shout.

Aw man. I was supposed to finish my deliveries! I got so caught up with Tris that I-

"Tobias Eaton!"

I sprint to the workshop where my father stands with a red face.

"I believe I told you that if you wanted to attend the Kingdom's Day Festival, that you better have had all your deliveries done by 10:30. And it's-" he checks the clock in the shop. "10:03."

I set my satchel down. "Father, every shop is closing today. Why do we have to be the only one open. I was hoping that I could sing at the Villager's Show."

He laughs loudly and harshly. "Why? WHY? Because that's how you get business son! And you won't be doing anything if you don't get these deliveries done. You still have 6 more places to deliver."


He shouts loudly and my face grows pale. I walk out of the shop and head to my house to pick up the order papers.

I open the door and see the house clean as usual. He expects me to keep it clean. I walk into the living room and start to my door when I see a piece of paper under Marcus's door.

I walk to his door and open it slowly. There are papers everywhere. I see a stack on his desk and walk over to take a look.

All the blood rushes out of my face.

It's the continual papers from his workshop. I read over the papers. He plans on starting tomorrow, after the marriage of Prince Peter and... PRINCESS BEATRICE??

That can't be the same Beatrice that is with me. I need answers. And I need them now.

I leave my house and run to the castle. Everyone is so busy with the festival that it's easy to get in. I walk into the kitchen and I see Beatrice walking in with her dress and crown, along with another older woman.

"Beatrice." I call out.

She looks up with a surprised look then smiles.

The lady next to her frowns. "Young sir, you will address her majesty as Princess."

"Johanna it's alright. Hello Tobias."

I walk up to her and her smile fades when she sees my annoyed look.

"What's the matter Tobias?"

"I know I can't trust my father. But I need to be sure. Are you getting married?"

Her eyes widen and her jaw falls. She's silent.

"Are you??"

She starts breathing heavy and I know I have my answer.

A woman with short black hair runs up to us.

"Tris!" She calls out.

Tris? Did she just say Tris?

Hey guys! Sorry you had to wait

a month for an update. I'm really

sick and I was going to post last

night, but that Once Upon A Time

episode got me in my feelings

and I was balling on my couch 😭💀
But hey a little cliff hanger! So

Secrets are being spilled 😏

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