Chapter 30

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Tobias POV

She left my father's shop. Well-what's left of it anyway. I didn't think I would ever be back in this village.

"Why were you in there?" I ask as soon as she returns.

"Shut up."

Her voice is stern. Why is she acting like this?

As we ride in awkward silence, I hear a shuffle down on the floor. I glance down there and see she has a large bag and a smaller bag in her lap.

What could she have possibly taken that wasn't destroyed in the fire?

It takes a little more than 30 minutes to get to Dauntless. When we arrive, there are guards all around the entrance.

There are women sprinkling flower petals at the entrance and down a path that's song long that I can't see it anymore.

That must be where the wedding is.

I look at Christina and see her shift in her seat. Something's bothering her. Then I seat it.

That one drop of perspiration sliding down her temple.

1 guard opens the door on Christina's side and 2 open mine. They both hold my arms tightly.

The guard that helped Christina gets in the carriage and it drives off.

Christina grabs the large bag and sets it on the ground while she holds out her other hand with the small bag.

"Take this bag to the quarters of Princess Beatrice."

This wasn't part of the plan she told me...

One of the guards take the bag.

"We'll have to take a look at this."

Christina puts both hands on her hips in a sassy way. "I believed I said it is addressed to Princess Beatrice. Do you really want to look at something for her honeymoon?"

Honeymoon? Should I be looking at this??

"I'm sorry Lady Christina. It's orders."

Christina puts up her hands in defeat. "Fine. I warned you."

The guards look at each other for a second. They snicker before opening the bag.

Those little rats.

The first guard looks confused at first. He picks up a metal ball. The other guard picks up a second ball.

"What's the meaning of-"

The guard didn't finish his sentence before he gets shocked harshly. He falls to the ground. The other guard begins to yell but gets shocked as well.

They both lay on the ground motionless.

"Are they-"

"No they're just unconscious. Hurry up!"

She grabs the large bag and begins running to the entrance. I kneel to the ground and grab one of the guards knife from their belt. I carefully cut the ropes off my wrists and run closely behind her.

We get in pretty easily since everyone is preparing for the wedding.

"This way!" Christina whispers loudly

We go down a few hallways and level until we are down deep under the ground. We stand in front of a double door.

"What are you waiting for??" Christina asks in a hurry.

I hadn't realized I've been standing here for so long. I twist the knob of both doors and we walk in.

There she is facing the mirror on the other side of the room.


Hey guys! Finally updated! I've

got something totally cool

planned for the next chapter.

But I love leaving you guys on a cliff hanger 😂

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