Chapter 11

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Tobias POV:
"I forgot her cookies." Tris says. "I have to go and get them. Wait about a minute then knock on the door."

"Alright. Thanks Tris."

She smiles and walks down the stairwell. I count in my head and lean against the wall. One-One Thousand, Two-One Thousand, Three-One Thousand, Four-One Thousand...
I counted until I reached 60 seconds. I hear some shuffling in the room then a loud bang. I'm actually a little nervous now. I build up my courage and knock on the door. Silence. I knock again and still nothing. Maybe she doesn't want to be disturbed. I turn around and start walking downstairs when I hear a "proceed!" She wants to see me! I walk in the door and see her. Her face is covered in a sparkle purple veil that cover her nose down. So all I see is her sparkling eyes. She has her hair down with one braid and her gown is silk purple and shines in the light. And her tiara and is breath taking. I immediately bow.

"Princess Beatrice, thank you for meeting me."

She smiles and bows her head.

"I was wondering if I could get your opinion on the kitchen pitchfork. It would be a great review if the entire royal family likes the product!"

She smiles and bows her head. Nothing? No words or anything?

"Is everything alright, Princess Beatrice? You seem awfully quiet."

She points to her throat signally that she lost her voice.

"Oh well, Tris is downstairs getting you some chocolate biscuits. I can get her to make you some herbal tea!"

I walk to the door and feel a hand on my shoulder. Princess Beatrice is shaking her head ferociously.

"I'm guessing you don't want tea then. So I guess you can just give me a thumbs up or down about the product then."

She gives me two thumbs up and smiles.

"That's great." I turn around about to walk out the door when I decide to do the dumbest thing. "I was wondering if we could have a picnic. I could show you the field under the stars."

She gives me a sympathetic look and I know immediately I was rejected. Of course I am. She would never even go out with a commoner like me.

"Oh,...alright. I get it. You're a princess and I'm a commoner. You probably see me as a waste of your time."

I reach for the door handle when she turns me around and shakes her head. She smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up. She agreed to go out with me!

"You will?! Really?! That's wonderful! I'll plan everything! You just meet at the field!"

Princess Beatrice puts her finger on her lips. We have to keep this a secret.

"A secret? Ok sure. Meet me at 4:00 am in the field."

She smiles and I bow. I walk out the door and down the stairwell. I get to the hallway. I feel like I'm forgetting something? Just as I'm about to walk out the the castle door I see Tris.
TRIS?! Our date! How could I have been so stupid! But I can't cancel on the princess. Who knows what that could lead to!

"Hey Tobias!" She's panting really hard like she just ran a kingdom's distance.

"Tris, are you ok?"

She waves her hand. "Oh yeah I'm fine. So I have to go upstairs but I wanted to talk to you about rescheduling our date."

Tell her the truth Tobias. She deserves at least that.


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