Chapter 7

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Tobias POV:
It's been so hard focusing on my work. I've been thinking about Tris all morning. Tris. It's such a beautiful name. For once she made me feel like I'm not an excuse of a person my father says I am.
"Tobias!" I hear my father yell.
"Sorry I was-" Marcus cuts me off.
"I don't want to hear it! Now you're too distracted to do your deliveries?! Why do I even have you around?!"
I lower my head in shame. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't disappoint my father.
"You are to take these deliveries to the castle! These are to be presented to the King and Queen while they are eating. Try to follow those simple instructions and maybe your beating won't be as hard tonight!"
I quickly shake my head. I'm used to the beatings but it still terrifies me.
"What time is their lunch?"
He glares at me in that way like he's ready for me to get out of his face.
"They eat lunch when the castle bell rings after mid-day. It varies but I assume your somewhat smart enough to figure it out. Now get out before I give you an early lesson."
I speed walk out of the house and head to the workshop. I get my satchel and some papers to make my deliveries. I stumble upon something odd amongst the stack. It's a written plan with Marcus's handwriting. I skim the paper looking for important details.
Big plan... King Andrew uniting kingdoms... Richest blacksmith in the realms... Black mail and unite with Kingdom of Dauntless after marriage of Princess Beatrice and Prince Peter... Create army with high steal... Take over 4 kingdoms...
The last sentence hits me like a boulder.
Kill Tobias.
Marcus wants to kill me?! I knew he hated me but he's still my dad. I never thought he would kill me?! When does he plan to do this?? Is he planning to beat me to death??
My heart is pounding. I grab the papers and stuff it in my satchel. I run out of the workshop and into the village. I can't breathe. My mind feels flustered. Suddenly the castle bell rings and I look at the clock tower. 3:55. I have to go deliver this to the king and queen!
I go into a sprint and head to the castle. I run for about 10 minutes. Im halfway there and it hits me. Tris. I'm going to miss meeting Tris! But I can't miss this meeting with the king and queen or they might throw me in the dungeon or take me to my father, which is actually worse.
I continue running and I keep thinking. I'll just have to meet her at the castle. She's a servant so she works there anyway! It'll be ok!
Please be at the castle Tris...please.

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