Hi. I'm Scott Hoying

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January 27th, 2011

Hi. I'm Scott Hoying. This is silly, introducing myself to a book that will only be read by the author. Well, it's not really a book, just a journal. I'm rambling. Sorry, self. Anyway. I'm Scott Hoying. I got signed onto RCA Records on July 6th, 2010. I got signed right outside of high school, discovered by the brilliant Ben Bram (alliteration, heh) and was unable to turn back. I had my entire life ahead of me.

I share an apartment with my best friend, Kirstin. She's in the photo I've attached with this entry. I moved out here directly after high school with Kirstin. I didn't have anything left in my hometown in Texas. My parents died in a car crash when I was twelve, and Kirstin's family sort of adopted me into their own. She and I didn't want to be a burden to them, so we moved together. Kirstin means the world to me. But, I'm not in love with her. I play for the other team. But that goes without saying.

I'm not sure why I'm giving an autobiography here. It's kind of silly. Maybe the reason why I am doing it is because I'm afraid I'll wake up one day and won't remember anything... like I do every single day.

On August 10th, 2010, I almost had my life taken away from me in the same way my parents did. They died upon impact, hit by a drunk driver. This is why I'll never drink alcohol again. I got hit by a drunk driver as well, but the impact sent me over the margin and I had a head on collision with a Tahoe. The Tahoe driver was okay, but my little car got beaten up... and so did I. I suffered multiple brain injuries, among twelve broken bones, a punctured spleen, etc. etc. The doctors came to the conclusion that I would experience memory loss, but weren't sure how severe it would be. I finally woke up one day and reassured them that their diagnosis was correct.

I wake up every single day thinking it's August 10th, 2010. I wake up every single day and make sure I give my best friend a tight hug. I tell her that I like her new hair style, and she thanks me with a smile. She literally did the most drastic thing ever: she cut all of her hair to her shoulders and bleached it blonde. How she obtained this new hair style overnight and without me knowing is quite a conversation. My plan for the day is to go to RCA Records and work on recording a new song. Whatever happens after that is spontaneous. On August 10th, 2010, I never made it to RCA. I never recorded my new song. I live every single day the exact same way. Most of my days are wonderful; I carry on like nothing has happened. Then, there are some days where I discover something that will turn my world upside down... but only for twenty-four hours before my slate is wiped clean and I start my next day, thinking it is August 10th, 2010. Every day is a new day. Literally.

Two days before the accident I made it a goal to take a photo a day with my Polaroid that Kirstin's mother gave me. I am forever grateful for this, because now I have photos as documentation of every single day that I miss. Whenever I realize my current... situation... I'll write a journal entry and attach the photo I took that day. I want to remember as many things as I can. These photos contain a story that I'll constantly tell myself every single day. Seeing pictures makes it feel more real to me.

My name is Scott Hoying, and this journal contains every single day that I wake up and realize my life is repetitive. It reminds me of how some days I can go through great depression, but wake up the next morning feeling completely fine, lest I forget.


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