Let Me Let Go of You

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Mitch was out of breath before he even walked up the stairs to Scott's apartment. He was beyond nervous, and may or not have been crying hysterically on the way. Everything happened way too fast. It only seemed like he'd just met Scott yesterday... but he'd spent five months learning about Scott, discovering every little detail about him that he loved, figuring out what makes him tick, seeing how much he appreciates life while also helping Mitch put his own life into perspective. They'd spent the holidays together. They had their ups and downs, but none this severe. 

Mitch had never thought of Scott to be a burden. No relationship should ever be a burden... that would make it a job. Mitch didn't mind helping Scott remember. It was a small price to pay for having those priceless moments with Scott, and he wouldn't trade it for the world. But, the more he thought about it, the more he realized how right Ben was. It was painful as hell to think about, but he was right, at least on one level. Mitch hadn't been accomplishing what he needed to at RCA. But, if there was one thing he was accomplishing, it was making his heart fuller than it was. Scott filled a void that Mitch never knew he had. That had to count for something, right?

He made his way up to Scott's room. 221B. He didn't want to knock. He wanted to prolong the moment, though he realized that if he prolonged it he would lose more minutes with his Scott. He wanted to be able to appreciate the moments he still had. So, he knocked. Scott came up to the door and opened it, more than happy to welcome in his brunette friend.

"I'm so glad you came." Scott pulled Mitch into a hug, possibly the biggest one he's ever received. Mitch wrapped his arms around Scott's waist and took in the scent, hoping he could embed it into his senses and never forget it. "I know this is hard for you, but I figured we could at least end on memories."

"Yeah." Mitch rubbed his face with his sleeve once he pulled away from Scott. "This sucks, but I want to make the most out of today."

"Come on. I want to show you something." Scott grabbed Mitch's hand, a light shock running through his veins. "Sorry, I'm full of static electricity today." Mitch loved the feeling of a static shock, especially when he was underneath a newly clean blanket. When he was a kid he would run his hands along his favorite blanket and duck his head underneath, capturing all of the little lights as they flared off underneath his touch. He was always fascinated with how things worked like that, but never thought to look it up. Sometimes he liked the mystery. But, now, he loved the memory.

Scott led Mitch to his bedroom, revealing the picture boxes that were once in Kirstin's closet. He remembered these quite well from when he was researching for the video. Now he'd get to experience these memories with Scott... except he would be looking at them and asking Mitch to recall the photos. They sat down on the floor and Scott pulled out his 2014 file and found August. "So, when did we meet? Early August?"

Mitch swallowed, shaking his head warily. He didn't know if he was ready for this, but he figured he may as well suck it up. He instantly grinned as soon as Scott pulled out their first photo together. "August 8th, 2014. Check out this gem." Scott laughed and tapped on the edge of the folder. "You fell for me with my favorite hat on."

"I pretty much did. And look at Queen Bey serving behind us," Mitch observed. He was trying to distract himself from their faces, but it deemed to be inevitable. "The way you captured me from day one was stunning. You spoke to the socially awkward boy and got him to be interactive with you. You deserve a medal."

"It's really ironic that I'm this way. I guess I take my pills every day." Scott shrugged. "Social anxiety was a bitch to me when I was younger. I saw a therapist for awhile and they got me on some medication which apparently seems to help. I take a pill every morning before I run, so I suppose I've been keeping up with it quite often."

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