'Kirstin's Friend'

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The plane ride home felt like way longer than three and a half hours to one stressed out Mitch. He had more than enough cups of coffee, now discovered to be decaf, though he felt like he had pounds of regular coffee and he couldn't sit still. He wanted to make the plane go faster. He wanted to get back home. He needed to make sure his Scott was okay and alive. He needed to know. Every time the flight attendant came over to ask if he was okay or if he needed anything to drink, he'd simply cry. Anything was a trigger for tears at this point. The flight attendant even hugged him, telling him that whatever was going on would be okay. If only she knew.

It was a quick car ride to the hospital, mostly because Mitch begged the driver to go as fast as he could without breaking the law. He'd find a way to get out of the speeding ticket for him if that were the case. He'd break every law to get to that hospital... to see Scott one more time, if he even had that right now. His phone had died at this point. He didn't even grab his things from Claudia's. He just took what he had on him at that current moment and booked it to the airport. Determination will get you as far as you want to go, and he had tremendous determination.

Thankfully, Kirstin and Jeremy were being extremely vague. Scott did get hit, but only came out with a broken arm, but was knocked unconscious due to his head hitting the glass on the drivers side window, smashing through it. They all joked that he had a hard head, and that only proved it. Mitch stared at Scott, lying in the hospital bed with a bandage over his head, and only felt a sliver of relief. Here he was again, with Scott lying unconscious in front of him. They said that he was stable and hopefully would come out of his state within the next few hours. Mitch stay in the room, sitting close, but not too close. He could reach out and touch the bed if he wanted to. He was almost afraid to. Many a moments he thought that he should just find satisfaction in the fact that Scott was alive and just go back to Nashville. But something brought him here, and it wasn't the fact that Kirstin and Jeremy's over-exaggerations persuaded him.

In fact, he began playing around with the possibilities. What if this wreck was a good thing to have happened? What if it restored every single memory that Scott had developed over the past four years. If it did, what would happen to his brain? That would be like mental suicide, having all of those memories finally rush in. Then again, Mitch claimed that he couldn't even remember things from four years ago, so it might not be that bad. Or, what if he looked at Mitch and remembered who he was? Like, the wreck could've triggered the Mitch part of his brain and... well, now he was just thinking silly. Nothing was ever that perfect.

Then, there were other theories. What if he woke up and had no memory of anything? His slate was cleaned completely, and he couldn't remember anything from, well, birth. He would be a vegetable. The mere thought made Mitch sick to his stomach. He couldn't have come back for that. Or, what if he woke up and knew that it was the current day, but every other day after that was defaulted to the current day? At least his life would be on repeat when he was aware of his adulthood. Either way, Mitch couldn't come up with a theory to satisfy him. Scott would never remember him, and that's all that mattered.

Kirstin left after awhile, going to snuggle up next to Jeremy in the waiting room while they all impatiently waited for Scott to wake up before they could confirm a diagnosis. Avi and Fia were there along with Kirstin's parents. They all just wanted answers. What was Scott's mental state? They'd find out in time... but on Scott's time. And who knew when the stubborn boy would wake up.

Mitch begun to doze off, over-extending his stay in the room. His neck and back were bent every which way, and he was extremely sore, yet still found time to fade in and out of his own consciousness. He dreamed of that silly song that he wrote on Scott's version of the CD. He dreamed about them meeting, over and over again. Don't you forget about me.

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