Thinking Out Loud

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Scott had an interesting revelation that morning. He had known something was different with how he woke up. The room felt different. The air even felt different. He felt different. But the note Mitch had left him did throw him for a loop. He was confused, but he did as the letter told him. Scott watched the video and was opened up to everything about his life. It was one of his calmer mornings. He just felt extremely hopeful, thus not giving him too brutal of a morning.

He sat down on the couch in the living room, thinking quietly to himself. It was how he best organized his thoughts. He was piecing together He promptly answered when he saw Kirstin's beautiful face on the screen.

"Hi, Kit."

"Scott! I'm so sorry I just disappeared on you all of the sudden. I left really early this morning because a friend needed me an--"

"Kirst, it's fine." He knew she was trying to create a cover-up for her random absence in the morning. After all, she was home the night before the accident. "I watched the video."

"Oh. So, I suppose you want the truth?" She had a smile hidden behind her voice, and she could almost tell that Scott was nodding for her to respond. "I stayed the night at Jeremy's. My boyfriend's."

"God, I'm forgetful for awhile and you have a boyfriend." Scott stood up and paced the living room. "Can I meet him? Have I met him?"

"You can, and you have a few times. We've been dating for about half a year now." Rustling was heard on the other line, and Kirstie mumbled a little. "Olaf. Stop it."

"You brought him too." Scott looked around, just now realizing that the husky was missing. He smiled, happy to know that she could carry on with life.

"Of course I did. So, are you okay? Is Mitch there? Do you know who he is?" She laughed, finding a little light in the situation.

"He's gone, but I know who he is. Do you happen to know where I might be able to find him?" Scott walked to his bedroom and picked up the Starbucks cup. He had a special idea. It required stopping by Starbucks first. If he knew anything about Mitch, it was that he was always tired, considering the triple shots.


"Hey! Mitch!" Ben waved at the brunette as he caught him chatting with Fia at the front desk about, well, his evening. The older man approached the front desk and patted the counter, nervousness in his hands. "Can I chat with you for a sec?" Mitch nodded and glanced back at Fia and smiled, sticking his tongue out at her. She narrowed her eyes, indicating that she wanted more details once he was done. "So. How have things been going in your life lately?" Ben lead Mitch to the lounge on the first floor and motioned for Mitch to have a seat. Ben pulled up a chair and sat across from Mitch.

Mitch took a moment to evaluate his life. He felt like he was genuinely happy with what was happening in his life, despite the fact that he had to backtrack sometimes. But things were going great. He was financially stable. He had a few good recording sessions at RCA but hadn't sent any to Ben to get produced yet. They weren't ready, but were a work in progress. He'd also been helpful to Scott whenever they'd meet at RCA, even on the days where Scott didn't know Mitch. He would assist him in getting his confidence out in the recording room, confirming that these mysterious lyrics were, indeed, written by him. So, he hadn't anything to complain about. He explained all of this to Ben, honest in every manner.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, actually. I haven't been getting any progress from you lately, kid." Ben sighed. He hated awkward confrontations. "Don't you think you're getting a little too wrapped up in certain things?"

"No..." Mitch bit his lip. He had been spending a lot of time with Scott while he was at RCA. But he felt that he was making tremendous progress with him. I mean, he remembered his favorite drink from Starbucks. That had to mean something.

"You're thinking out loud, Mitch." Ben laughed. "I'm pretty sure you know this already, but Dr. Olusola said he won't regain his memory. It's im--"

"Impossible. I know, I know. But I just can't help but--"

"Mitch. Look. I'm sorry for interrupting. But I need you to understand that you're on a short contract here. I signed you for a reason, because I thought you had great talent and RCA needs a fresh breath of air, such as yourself. But we won't get any breathing done with you spending all of your time with Scott. Boyfriend or no boyfriend. Do you get what I'm saying?"

Mitch wanted to refuse to hear what Ben was saying, but his professional side couldn't help but agree with him. He needed to focus more on himself. It was inevitably hard to do this, considering he was falling in love with a guy who he felt he needed to help out every day just to gain credibility with him... but that wasn't the way to go about it. He truly felt passionate about Scott. Maybe even loved him.

"You're thinking out loud again." Mitch looked up at Ben and put his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. "I'm not asking you to give up Scott. I'm asking you to be a responsible musician and to get some work done. If that means you need to distance yourself from him, sobeit. But I need the Mitch that I signed. Do you understand?"

Mitch nodded. "I understand."

The conversation ended as awkward as ever, Mitch standing up and accepting a bro handshake with Ben. He was never good at those. "You're a talented kid. Please let me see more of it." Mitch nodded and left the lounge, walking back to explain to Fia he needed to get in the studio instead of chat with her about his evening, which he could do when he wasn't focused at RCA. He was greeted with a Starbucks drink on the counter with his name on it.

"What's this?" He picked it up and smiled lightly, taking a sip of it. His favorite. Scott was such a wonderful person.

"He came in, set the drinks on the counter and went to the bathroom. I told him that you were here but you were talking to Benny and he came back and said that something came up, and to make sure you got the drink, plus this little sticky note that he wrote before leaving." Mitch reached for the sticky note and read carefully.

Thought I'd surprise you at RCA with your fave drink. Sorry I had to go. Please text me. I want to see you.
Love, Scott

Mitch focused on the last line. He hadn't told Scott that he was in love with him yet. Which, he realized after his night that he definitely did. Which is why it made accepting this Starbucks drink so hard. He wouldn't listen to Ben. He could balance Scott and recording. It wouldn't be that hard, would it?

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