Happy Birthday, Kid

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Fia laughed joyfully, aiming herself with her whole body as she tried to catch the launching Sno-Caps from Mitch, who was all but crying from how she tried catching each one with plunges towards the couch and towards the coffee table. More Sno-Caps made it on the floor than in her mouth, but she didn't feel so guilty, considering they'd purchased over a dozen boxes for the night.

"Okay, don't let this silly game distract you from telling me the rest of the story, Mitchell." Fia reached into the box and popped a few of the candies in her mouth to compensate for the amount she'd missed.

"Sorry, sorry." Mitch aimed carefully while he spoke. "So, I started to ask him to be my boyfriend and he was like, hold up, baby boo."

"Did he actually say that?"

"Of course not. He was more romantic. This is the wine speaking. Catch!" Mitch tossed a Sno-Cap towards the girl and it bounced off of her cheek and to the floor. Wyatt raced out from underneath the couch and sniffed the little candy and swatted at it, sending it towards the front door. "Anyway, so he said that he wanted to say it. So, I let him."

"How did he ask you? I NEED TO KNOW." Fia's eyes bugged out for a moment and calmed down once Mitch gently tossed her a Sno-Cap to her hands, the girl catching it and happily popping it into her mouth.

"It's not a big deal." Mitch laughed and set the box down, bringing his legs up to sit criss cross on the couch. "He said, Mitch Grassi, would you please be my boyfriend?"

The girl squealed and sat back down on the opposite end of the couch, grabbing her wine glass and taking a sip. "And?"

"Well, of course I said yes. We're happily engaged. It's perfect. Look at my ring. It's Cartier. I wear it on my index finger because I'm high end fashion." Mitch held out his freshly painted nails (as of an hour ago, painted a deep red, courtesy of Fia) and wiggled his index, showing off his favorite ring. "He didn't even have to buy it for me. Just said, hey, new boyfriend. Let's get hitched. Can you call that ring your engagement ring?"

"You are too much, Grassi." Fia snuggled up with her Rilakkuma, which was sitting, staring at her from the coffee table. "So, more. Be serious. This is need to know shit. I need to know it."

"Okay, okay!" Mitch took another sip of wine, more like a gulp, and continued. "So, then I wrap my arms around my tall, majestic giraffe. He looks down at me with such passion in his eyes and says you da one that I dream about all day. Ay. Ay." He received only a glare from Fia and he shook his head and sighed. "You're not fun. But, seriously. I wrapped my arms around the giraffe's neck and he tells me that he wants to kiss me but it feels too... not real. And, god, I forgot what I said to him... but I said something to him that gave him confidence. He kissed me first. And it was fan-fucking-tastic." Mitch leaned back into the couch and sighed dramatically. "It was literally the most perfect first kiss I'd ever experienced. And, I sound so cliché when I say that, but I'm being truthful. The most perfect first kiss. And, the thing is, every single time I kiss him it'll be a first kiss to him. So every single one of them will start out timid. Raw. Gentle. And I absolutely love it."

Fia grinned. "Okay. And?"

"God, I want to ravish that boy, Fia. I've only kissed him once and I would love for him to take me. I'm a thirsty little girl." Mitch pouted and finished his glass of wine. "Mommy has been deprived for a while."

"I know, girl. Me too. Thankfully I'm going on a date pretty soon." Fia grinned from ear to ear. This was the first time she'd delivered this news to her friend, and his reaction was perfect.

"I need to help you figure out what to wear and what shoes to go with your outfit. Oh, and let me do your hair! Let me paint your nails... god, wait. Show me a picture of him first." She was already on it, pulling her phone out and scrolling through Facebook. She scrolled to the most perfect photo of him and Mitch leaned in close, stealing the phone away and ogling.

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