What If?

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August 11, 2010. Mitch had to hold himself up against the door frame. Did he hear correctly? Did Scott say that it was the next day? Had he even slept? It doesn't count if he slept. It also doesn't count if he'd been messed up due to the medicine he was taking. Anything could be causing him to think it was the next day. He just couldn't be cured, just like that. Dr. Olusola said it was impossible, right? If a doctor said it was impossible that means it's a true fact. It's impossible for Scott to recover from his memory damage.

At least, that's what Dr. Olusola thought. As soon as the nurse discovered that Scott had mentioned the next day (in his current timeline) she quickly glanced up, seeing Kirstin and her parents sitting close. They were all having a visitation day, checking up on their forgetful family member. All three of their faces, along with Mitch's, were stunned. But they kept their cool verbally, because Scott wasn't even aware that it wasn't 2010. It was far from 2010, actually. It was March 14th, 2015, and Scott Hoying announced that he had mentally existed for two days in a row. The nurse called Dr. Olusola on her cell phone, asking him to come in and visit. Mitch stepped into the room, standing near Kirstin, gripping the back of her chair tightly. Scott looked up and focused on Mitch while the nurse left the room to retrieve some paperwork for the doctor to refer to. 

He smiled and acknowledged Mitch. "Hey... I remember you! You're Kirstin's friend, right? You were here yesterday. It's Mitch, right?"

Mitch practically fell over, his legs wobbling underneath him. He almost forgot to breathe. "You remember me?" He spoke no louder than a whisper.

"Of course I do. You were here yesterday. You left in a hurry, though." Scott smiled, as happy as a lark. Despite the fact that he was knocked unconscious and given a broken arm, he seemed okay about life. And Mitch, previously assuming that Scott had no memory and almost on his death bed, couldn't handle it. Scott remembered him. He had seen him for two consecutive days and could identify him, despite the fact that he didn't know who he truly was. He saw his face and recalled him, even said his name. And that mere fact caused Mitch to cry.

"I'm sorry... excuse me." Mitch waved gently and tapped on Kirstin's shoulder apologetically. He rushed out of the room and ran, not sure where he was going. His path led him through a hallway he was unfamiliar with, only to lead him towards a set of doors that led to a little patio. He definitely needed some fresh air, not able to breathe in that building.

The first thing he did was sit down, too mentally exhausted to find the bench that sat nearby. Instead, he collapsed onto the grass and put his head in his hands. He cried tears of happiness. Scott was alive; he survived another car wreck and is able to live to tell people about it. Scott would walk out of the hospital with minor damages, except for his broken bone. And, more prevalent to Mitch's emotions, Scott could remember him. What did this mean? A part of him wanted to believe that it was just due in part that Scott hadn't slept well, if any, the night before. What if he was still awake in yesterday's troubles, but carried on like he was still in that current mood? And then, he cried tears of sorrow. He was diving face first into a stressful situation.

After awhile, Kirstin shot him a text message to keep him posted on Scott.

Dr. O sent him to get a MRI on his brain. He slept ln. memories were real. RU ok?

As if his tears weren't enough at this point. Scott had slept, thus confirming that he did, indeed remember Mitch. It wasn't just a fluke... but would this be a permanent thing? Should Mitch even pry into Scott's life now that his door had been opened in Nashville? So many questions that he didn't want to answer. But, after an hour of sitting outside, he knew he didn't need to be alone to sit and contemplate these questions. He needed someone near him. He headed back towards the waiting room and found Fia, typing away on her iPad, sitting next to her sleeping boyfriend.

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