Lest I Forget

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Have you ever felt like someone else is writing your autobiography? Someone else is watching your life pass you by and is documenting everything you do. You graduated from this school. You dated these people. You moved to this location. You got this hair-cut and you hated it for a few days. You went to this place on this night and met this person. You got in this car wreck and lost your memory on this day.

Oh. Maybe that's why someone else is writing your autobiography. You aren't mentally around long enough to do it yourself... thus not being an autobiography. But it feels like one when you read through it... until you realize that you have been writing it all along, but have no recollection of what you've written on paper. All you can confirm that it's your handwriting and just trust it.

Sometimes it makes no sense when I find out how my life has come to be to this very day. It confuses and scares the living hell out of me, honestly. But it's a fresh start. It's a chance to learn more about my life and carry on normally. Thus, poses the question of normalcy: am I even normal if I can't live a normal life?

God, I hate it when I try to overthink these situations. All I can tell you, self, is that you're fucked up in the head... until you realize that someone from the outside wants in.

Today is the day that I met Mitch Grassi, though he claims I've met him time and time before.


"Are you sure this will work?" Mitch wiped his clammy hands nervously on his pants. It wasn't even (just) a relationship situation for Mitch. He had become so inclined to want to help his friend remember, or to try to get him on track with his life. He had spent all night editing the video, tossing in the final touches. He had retrieved a few more things from Kirstin a few days before and made sure that every single fact was correct. He was just immensely nervous because he would finally see a different side of Scott... the side where he was completely aware of what happened to him. And that was petrifying to Mitch.

"I don't know. You tell me." Kirstin laughed. She understood how Mitch felt, but couldn't understand why. Scott was a great guy, and undoubtedly a perfect boyfriend, but she just couldn't fathom the thought that Mitch wanted to be with someone who wouldn't remember him.

"I mean, I think it will." Mitch smiled hopefully and sighed. "I've never seen him this early in the morning. What did you say he does again?"

"He gets up at 6:30 every morning, obnoxiously naturally. He doesn't use his alarm clock, which seriously weirds me out. He wakes up Olaf and goes on a morning run." Kirstin gave her husky a friendly scratch behind the ears and his tail wagged happily as he sat at her feet. She handed Mitch the BluRay remote and he set it up on the start screen, ready to go.

"So, he'll come in here and just see us watching a movie at 6:30 in the morning?" Mitch laughed, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"You said that already." Mitch laughed with uncertainty in his voice, and then his heart started pounding as soon as a door creaked open and Scott stood there with a hoodie on, hood over his head and grey sweatpants sitting on his hips.

"Good morning?" Scott cleared his throat, curious as to what was occurring in his living room. He came face to face with Kirstin and her new friend.

"Morning!" Kirstin grinned, looking completely normal, while Mitch flashed a smile, trying to hold in his anxiety. He just wanted to remove the video and run. Was it all worth it?

"Why are you about to watch a movie at 6:30 in the morning?" Scott cocked his head to the side. "Don't you have classes today, Kit?"

"I don't, actually. You should come sit down and watch this with us!"

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