Don't Text Him Tomorrow

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That night Scott lay in bed on top of his sheets and admired his photo booth pictures with a big dorky expression on his face. He couldn't remember the last time he'd gone on a date (which, in reality, had been way longer than four years) but he didn't regret waiting for a perfect one like this. He started a mental check list. Mitch doesn't like outdoorsy things. Mitch might like rock climbing but only if pre-warned about clothing. Mitch will pretend to not do things just to get help, i.e. not knowing how to hold the putter. Mitch can sense when someone is playing him while go karting. Mitch gets flustered at the slightest touches, which is innocently adorable. He lay there and just appreciated that he had a great night and hoped there'd be many more nights with Mitch. Scott was a cheesy romantic. He was absolutely precious. Most importantly, he was passionate about certain things. He was passionate about his friendship with Kirstin. He was passionate about music. He's passionate about his friendship with the adorable Fia-So. And, now, he was passionate about getting to know Mitch. There was only one flaw... and he didn't even know that he'd wake up the next morning with no recollection.

Olaf came running into Scott's room and jumped on his bed, excited to see the blonde. Scott chuckled and set the photos aside and wrapped his arms tightly around the dog, burying his face in his fur. "I missed you today. Yes, I did. Did you miss me? God, you stink... but you're absolutely precious so it's totally okay."

"I'm sorry, I need to give him a good bath." Kirstin smirked, leaning against the door frame. "So, what were you up to today, mystery man? You didn't text me like you usually do."

"Mom. It's okay." Scott laughed and patted a spot next to him in the bed. "I went on a date. I go on dates, you know."

Kirstin was taken aback. "Oh... with whom?" She crossed her legs and scooted back in the bed so she could be against the headboard. She spotted the photos on his nightstand and she reached for them and looked. She couldn't help but smile at the precious genuine smiles.

"His name is Mitch. I, uh, met him at lunch with Fia. He was our waiter, oddly enough, and I was ballsy enough to leave him my number on a Sweet'n Low packet."

"God, could you be any cheesier?" Kirstin set the photos down and reached for her dog. Olaf rolled in between them, revealing his belly and whimpering until they both began scratching his stomach. His tail began thumping wildly against the bed with excitement. "So, tell me about him, then. Let's hear it. You hear me and my dating stories." Kirstin did have a few. She actually had a boyfriend named Jeremy. She fell in love with him and had been dating for two years... but any time he came around she'd have to pretend that she had been freshly dating him, and would have to explain to Scott that she had been quiet until she knew it was going to be something more. Most of the time he would believe her, thankfully. But she was happy with Jeremy, and he understood everything about Scott. He often wished he could have a decent friendship with Scott, but given the circumstances it would be difficult.

"So, I took him rock climbing but we didn't even make it out of the car before I realized that I hadn't informed him to wear something a bit more flexible... so I took him to Mountasia."

"That's adorable. Way to be un-traditional. I like it."

"I want to be different, is all... so, we did everything there. We go karted, golfed, did the arcade games. We skipped the batting cages because... well, honest to God I'm glad he didn't want to do it because I wasn't ready to deflate my hair." Scott reached up and brushed through his locks. "I swear I think my hair grew an inch overnight."

"Well, a lot can happen overnight, clearly." Kirstin tossed her hair to either side. "Toss, toss."

"Oh, Ga-linda." Scott laughed. "But, anyway, things just went perfectly. I feel like I've met him before. I mean, I am such a people person and get along with new people so well but our dynamics just clicked. Nothing was awkward and everything went so smoothly. No date I've ever been on has gone that smoothly. It's insane. I look forward to future dates with him. He seems worth it."

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